Cross and Square

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The Cross of the Square

In the first verses of the Bible we have found remarkable geometries in the form of letter squares. These are verses (Genesis verses 5 & 10) that form perfect squares of letters, each being composed of 49 letters. These can be shown to reflect a mathematical signature of Divine origin, after they are inflected according to the pattern of a magic square.

For a full reading of the Genesis Squares see: Magic Squares in Genesis

This technique of retiling the letters of scripture according to strict mathematical principles can be seen in many other places in scripture. In Deuteronomy 10:17 the Deity is described in the following manner:

Deuteronomy 10:17

For the Lord Your God He is a God of Gods

כי יהוה אלהיכם הוא אלהי האלהים

This statement has 6 words and 25 letters. We can analyze this statement mathematically by arranging its components into geometric shapes. For instance, the six words of the statement can be made into a triangle of words, as 6 is the third figurative triangle.


יהוה אלהיכם

הוא אלהי האלהים

If we convert these letters into numbers, we find a hidden message in the three points of the triangle. The triangle here representing the Triune nature of God. The sum of the whole statement in Hebrew standard is 311, which is the sum of the Hebrew word for Man. We can see who this man is, in the corners of the triangle and in a diametrical opposition of the numbers (311>133).


106 26

91 46 12

30 + 91 + 12 = 133

O Χριστος = The Christ = 133 (Greek Ordinal)

We can lay out the 25 letters of the statement in a perfect square of 5 x 5 letters.

When we organize the letters in this fashion, we can see that a number of elements align, as if this was the way the statement is supposed to be read. It even appears that this matrix seems to sort the letters according to type and shape, in that the square letters sort together and the vertical letters sort together vertically. Historically Hebrew was called the square language, because so many of the letters were similar in shape to a square

When we convert these letters to numbers it makes a matrix like this.

A standard magic square of Order 5 looks like this.

All the rows, columns and diagonals of this square will have the same sum of 65. This is relevant as this number is the sum of the third most holy and commonly used name for God in the Old Testament.

אדני = Lord (Adonai) = 65

The sum of the entirety of any Order 5 magic square will always be 325. For this there is an interesting extra-Biblical bit of Greek that is most suggestive.

το Αινιγμα του Ιησου Χριστου = The Enigma of Jesus Christ = 325

If we tile the 25 letters of the statement from Deuteronomy according to the tiling of this magic square, we see a powerful numerical correspondence occur in the form of a cross.

The Cross here comes to 118 which is the sum of the word Christ in Greek.

Χριστος = Christ = 118 (Greek Ordinal)

The remainder here comes to 193 for the field of the cross. In this we see a double correspondence from Numbers 15:41:

אני יהוה אלהיכם = I am the Lord Your God = 193

In terms of human language, it is hard to be more expressly clear than these two statements. Seeing this statement as a riddle its solution is clear.

Q: For the Lord Your God He is a God of Gods?

A: Christ on the Cross, I am the Lord Your God.

These sorts of patterns can be found in many places in the scriptures and they shed light on the theology behind the verses. In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 27 verse 51, we have a dramatic retelling of the moment of Christ’s death on the cross and how the sacred veil of the temple was rent in twain.

Mat. 27:51

‘The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom’

το καταπετασμα του ναου εσχισθη εις δυο απο ανωθεν εως κατω

The veil of the temple was a curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the outer precincts of the complex. Theologically speaking, this sanctity barrier being torn in two, represents that the death of Christ, has created a means by which man and God can commune. It has opened the way.

The number of letters here is essential in that it is 49 or 7 times 7. This too can be laid out as a square of letters and once more repatterned according to the tiling of an Order 7 magic square. When we do this, we see a similar message in the numbers.

Excerpt from Matthew 27:51 as a square of letters

τ ο κ α τ α π

ε τ α σ μ α τ

ο υ ν α ο υ ε

σ χ ι σ θ η ε

ι ς δ υ ο α π

ο α ν ω θ ε ν

ε ω ς κ α τ ω

Here we use an Order 7 magic square with top tiling where the numerical sequencing starts in the top center cell and progresses diagonally.

Order 7 Magic Square

Every row, column and diagonal sum to 175, while the entirety comes to 1225. Curiously, the cross of numbers on any Order 7 magic square will always come to 325, the sum of the Order 5 magic square and the enigma of Jesus Christ.

The cross here comes to 325.

το Αινιγμα του Ιησου Χριστου = The Enigma of Jesus Christ = 325

When we repattern the letters of Matthew 27:51, we find a most telling numerical correlation in the form of the cross, the very subtext of the verse.

The cross formation now comes to 205 one of the strongest numbers to represent Jesus Christ.

Cross Formation = 205

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ = Jesus Christ = 205

The remainder of the field here comes to 390. The strongest word at this number would have to be the Hebrew word Heaven.

שמים = Heaven = 390

The riddle then might be interpreted as something like this:

Q: Why did the veil of the temple rip in two?

A: Because the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross was accepted in heaven.

Incredibly this puzzle actually contains a secondary puzzle hidden in plain sight. These square type puzzles can be solved in several ways. Any odd numbered square will always have a central cross which may be a strong solution. Another solution is found in the perimeter of the square.

When we highlight the interior we find it comes to 298, which is the ordinal sum of the very first verse of the Bible. The perimeter comes to split the numbers as near to perfect as possible with an odd number.

Interior = 298

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth = 298 (Ordinal)

Perimeter = 297


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"Truth is the daughter of time."

—Aulus Gellius