God's Rubik's Cube

This configuration is a classic example of Divergent Geometic Agreement

employing 1998/703 Jenkins Containment

One of the most famous features of the Rubik's Cube is the number of combinations it can produce. The company that manufactures them states that there are around 43 quadrillion possible combinations. I once thought that was a big number, but compared to God Rubik's Cube it is a paltry sum. But it is now fair to ask how many possible combinations can be found in God's Rubik's Cube discovered in the three dimensional geometry of the first verse of the Bible.

At minimum there are more combinations than there are atoms in the visible universe. This is proof positive of the existence of the Christian Deity—see the Proof Positive Argument below.

God's Rubik's Cube is really a Rubik's Cube within a Rubik's Cube within a Rubik's Cube.

Each individual element can be maneuvered in a marvelous number of ways. At minimum we can say that this cube contains more evidence employing both Divergent Geometric Agreement (DGA) and Jenkins Containment (see below) in more ways than there are atoms in the universe. That's proof of God all in the first verse using the Proof Positive Argument.


19! = 121645100408832000

27! = 10888869450418352160768000000

37! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000


121,645,100,408,832,000 =

one hundred twenty-one quadrillion,

six hundred forty-five trillion,

one hundred billion,

four hundred eight million,

eight hundred thirty-two thousand,


10,888,869,450,418,352,160,768,000,000 =

ten octillion,

eight hundred eighty-eight septillion,

eight hundred sixty-nine sextillion,

four hundred fifty quintillion,

four hundred eighteen quadrillion,

three hundred fifty-two trillion,

one hundred sixty billion,

seven hundred sixty-eight million,


13,763,753,091,226,345,046,315,979,581,580,902,400,000,000 =

thirteen tredecillion,

seven hundred sixty-three duodecillion,

seven hundred fifty-three undecillion,

ninety-one decillion,

two hundred twenty-six nonillion,

three hundred forty-five octillion,

forty-six septillion,

three hundred fifteen sextillion,

nine hundred seventy-nine quintillion,

five hundred eighty-one quadrillion,

five hundred eighty trillion,

nine hundred two billion,

four hundred million,

19! x 27! x 37! =



eighteen octovigintillion,

two hundred thirty-one septenvigintillion,

one hundred fifty-nine sexvigintillion,

two hundred seventy-nine quinvigintillion,

two hundred ninety quattuorvigintillion,

two hundred fifty-eight trevigintillion,

nineteen duovigintillion,

nine hundred sixty-five unvigintillion,

four hundred thirty vigintillion,

three hundred thirty-five novemdecillion,

four hundred fifty-three octodecillion,

nine hundred forty-three septendecillion,

nine hundred sixty-two sexdecillion,

nine hundred sixty-nine quindecillion,

one hundred ninety-three quattuordecillion,

nine hundred forty-three tredecillion,

five hundred thirty-two duodecillion,

five hundred seventeen undecillion,

eight hundred fifty-eight decillion,

five hundred nonillion,

two hundred seventy-four octillion,

five hundred thirteen septillion,

four hundred five sextillion,

five hundred forty-two quintillion,

four hundred quadrillion,

The number of atoms in the observable universe is currently estimated by scientists to be between 1078 and 1082

60! equals about 8.32x1081

60! = 8,320,987,112,741,390,144,276,341,183,223,364,380,754,172,606,361,245,952,449,277,696,409,600,000,000,000,000

This very conservative estimate of God's Rubik's Cube shows it to have around 2 million times as many combinations as there are atoms in the observable universe.

Any way you slice it this shows the handiwork of God. The white cubes of the central slice number 153.

The Proof Positive Argument:

If the amount of mathematical evidence for the existence of God

is more numerous than the number of atoms in the visible universe,

then that is proof positive that there is a God.

It is proof positive, because, if the evidence for the existence of God is more numerous than the evidence for the existence of the physical universe, it logically follows then, that if you believe in the existence of the universe, then you must believe in the existence of God even more, because there is more proof of God than there is proof of the physical universe.

The proof is based also in the geometry. What we see in this cube is called Divergent Geometric Agreement, or D.G.A. for short. DGA's are where two different or divergent geometries display planar agreement. A great example of DGA is found in the Crucifix Configuration, where the title Lord (Kurios-800) displays geometric agreement with the rest of the name Jesus Christ.

The number of proofs in this name and configuration is a staggering 192!

The first comment at OEIS entry for Factorials is this intriguing tidbit:

The earliest publication that discusses this sequence appears to be the Sepher Yezirah [Book of Creation], circa AD 300.

The DGA of God's Rubik's Cube shows both DGA and Jenkins Containment. The DGA is the cube (5^3) of 37 fitting within the cube (7^3) of 74 which shows Divergent Geometric Agreement — a cube within a cube.

How many ways can you manipulate one in a larger cube is determined by the number of positions in the larger cube. The number of ways you can manipulate all 37 white cubes while retaining Jenkins Containment is determined by their factorials, which then multiply.

37! x 125!

37! = 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000

125! = 188267717688892609974376







The total number of ways then that God's Rubik's Cube can be configured while retaining the Jenkins Containment of 703 inside of 1998 is a number so staggeringly large that it must measured in units called AOU, meaning Atoms in the Observable Universe. An AOU rating of 1 means parity with the number of atoms in the observable universe, and is the minimum Proof of God rating.

Since this configuration has three levels but fours ways of manipulation, they all multiple together using factorials:

27! x 27! x 37! x 125! = 3072403936913091018932897071670758







27!: Manipulation Method 1: 27 Major Cubes of 74

27!: Manipulation Method 2 : 19 Clusters of 37 in 27 Cubes of 74

37! x 125!: Manipulation Method 3: 37 Individual Cubes in a cubic space of 125

That's the minimum number of positions while displaying Jenkins Containment. It is named after Vernon Jenkins, the father of modern biblical mathematics and shows the 703 sum, being contained by the 1998 sum as seen in the triangle of the first verse.

To determine the POG rating (Proof Of God) using AOU units (Atoms in the Observable Universe) you divide the number of positions (27! x 27! x 37! x 125!) by factorial 60! which is close approximation of AOU. God's Rubik's Cube has a POG rating of 227 for the digits in the times this number is larger than one AOU.

(27! x 27! x 37! x 125!) / 60! =








POG Rating-227

Classic 3D Jenkins Containment, where Cross Cluster-37 is contained in a Jesus Cube-74.



(666 + 666 + 666) + (703) = 2701

Jenkins Containment is where one geometry contains another as seen in the two dimensional geometry of the first verse.

These cross clusters are a part of the ever expanding library of geometric particles that make up the Cruciform Fractal.

37 x 19 = 703

27 x 74 = 1998

703 + 1998 = Genesis 1:1


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© Copyright 2020, All rights reserved, John Elias

"If you are curious, you'll find the puzzles around you. If you are determined you will solve them."

Erno Rubik, Inventor of the Rubik's Cube