Alpha & Omega

TAKE the TOUR THREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference — Video-Channel

The Alpha-Omega Cube


The dimensions of this major cube are 37 x 37 x 37 the basis of the geometry of the first & last chapters of the Bible.

5077 units form four sides of the 37th cube

The Alpha-Omega Code is perhaps the largest and most complex code ever solved by figurative geometry. As the title suggests, the Alpha Omega Code, is about the first and the last elements of the Bible. Here it is hard to imagine a larger grouping that could be practically managed or comprehended by the human mind.

Alpha-Omega = First and Last Chapters

Genesis Chapter 1 & Revelation Chapter 22

What is immediately exciting about this Giant, is that every component is a dazzling display of mathematical virtuosity. The first chapter has significant codes, the last chapter has significant codes and the two together produce the most complicated geometry I've yet encountered. Moreover just the number of letters alone in both chapters are highly organized and revealing:

Genesis Chapter One = 1671 Letters

Revelation Chapter 22 = 2086 Letters

1671 + 2086 = 3757

The significance of the number 17 is of particular insight, as the Genesis Creation account is populated with a narrative that oft repeats the same phrase, 'And it was Good' the good here being the Hebrew word Tov, a word still common in the Hebrew tongue. This inclusion of this repetition of the 17 motif, appears to be a final reiteration of the concept first narrated in the Genesis Account.

Beginning and End = Good

The Alpha-Omega is an extraordinarily square bit of code. Squares and cubes for that matter, are ever a simple reference to truth, cubes being truth in three dimensions. Only recently have we learned to appreciate how the cube features in the dynamics of the first verse of the Bible. It bears reviewing, as it is not only some of the most exciting and complex geometry, but also is a primer for the Alpha-Omega Cube.

See Nazarene Nesting Cubes

The BIG Difference

The standard sum of these two chapters is in the hundreds of thousands, a range far beyond the typical patterns encountered. What is immediately arresting is that the difference between the sums of both chapters is a multiple of 500. The chances of this occurring randomly are quite remote and easy to calculate.

1/500 = 0.2%

Low probability is the scent trail that leads to mathematical discovery in this universe. This powerful difference is a number with profound implications and ponderous geometries.

Law Ο ΝΟΜΟΣ = 500

Number Ο ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ = 500

These are purely mathematical references and we might add to it a subtle reference to the Golden Ratio, where the Greek number of 500 is the same symbol used to denote the phi, 1.618..., the Golden Ratio.

Φφ = 500

The difference between the first and last chapters is 175,500 an abundant number, a number whose proper divisors are more than the sum itself. Such numbers (the first being the number 12) abound with factors that multiply. There is so much important and large geometry here, the number deserves its own website. Here are but a few of the abundant complexities of the number.

First and foremost a proud declaration that should be obvious to both Christian and Jew, Hebrew and Greek.

This basic multiplication of 500 x 351 is telling in many ways, but it also appears to relate to cubes and the nesting cubes of Genesis 1:1 in a variety of ways.

(Nesting Cube-1351) - 10^3 = 351

The number 351 is a natural cube of stars, where 13 is the first star and 27 is the Hebrew ordinal for light, which creates a box of light and stars.

3^3 x 13 = 351

The Nesting Cube of Genesis 1:1 has a twin found in its 37th triangular twin number 703.

1351² - 1350² = 2701

1351 + 1350 = 2701

1351 = (13³ - 11³) + 9³) - 7³) + 5³) - 3³) + 1

1350 = (13³ - 11³) + 9³) - 7³) + 5³) - 3³)

The paired triangle that fits so well inside the larger triangle of the first verse can also be enumerated this way, but in a geometrically non-symmetrical way. These two series of equations appear to be opposites, where the 2701 sum is composed of odd ordered cubes, the 703 sum is composed of even ordered cubes. This is the same 'Mathematical Symmetry' we find so prevalent in the first verse, 37 x 73, 2701 + 1072 = 3773, and empty nesting cube and a filled nesting cube, etc..

352² - 351² = 703

352 + 351 = 703

352 = (8³ - 6³) + 4³) - 2³)

351 = (8³ - 6³) + 4³) - 2³) - 1

There is another way to picture this number and it is a wonder that such a large number can so easily be represented by biblical gematria and geometry. This number 175,500 is in a special harmonic based on the name of the Lord (Yahweh) and its related subsets, both Yah-15 (the common or abbreviated usage of the name) and Yahweh-Echad-39, the Lord is One, from the Shema.

As you can see the geometry works in two ways, one as a triangle of squares and another as a Sierpinski triangle of triangles of triangles.

Remarkably, this difference in the first and the last once again demonstrates the pattern of the nesting cube 1350, now in the form of a cross.

The 130-cross is based on 5 as a centered -square number. Geometrically it is the purest of crosses (4 points and their intersection).

The name Yahweh (YHWH) and its number 26 is the key that makes all the geometry come together.

The front or back face of this cross (169 x 9 x 5 = 7605) declares an absolute theological truth.

= 7605

Philippians 2:11 = 7605

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

π -845 = 3773

Each of the smaller crosses on the faces comes to 845. The sum of the first 845 digits of pi = 3773.

The name Jesus Christ actually hides the 12th cube in its geometry. The 12th cube (1728 or 12 x 12 x 12) are the dimensions of the

New Jerusalem, described in the book of Revelation. By looking at the sum 2368 as a portion or gnomen of a cube of cubes

(64 x 64 or 4096) we find that the remaining invisible portion comes to the 12th cube, i.e. 4096 - 2368 = 1728.

This shows that cubes and the sections of cubes are far more important than previously thought.


The basic contention of the Three Seven Code is that the numbers Three and Seven, but in particular the prime number 37, is a continuing founding feature of the mathematical structure of the Scriptures. This contention can be stated simply using probability theory. The merit of any statistic made in this way is completely contingent on the merit of the question being asked. Starting with the name Jesus, what are the chances the alphanumeric sum of the name Jesus is a multiple of 37?

Jesus-888 (multiple of 37) = 2.7%

Already this is an unlikely scenario. Science judges chances under 5% to be unlikely. How to determine the arithmetic here is simple, it is a one in thirty-seven chance or 1 divided by 37 which equals 2.7 percent. We can do this again, by asking what about the second name of Jesus. What are the chances that Christ is a multiple of 37?

Christ-1480 (multiple of 37) = 2.7%

To determine the chances of both we multiply the percentages together.

2.7% x 2.7% = 0.07%

This then is very unlikely to occurred by chance alone. Since so much of biblical mathematics is predicated on the pattern of the first verse, Genesis 1:1, it is just as fair to ask: What are the chances that all three are a multiple of 37?

2.7% x 2.7% x 2.7% = 0.000197%

And now I believe it is also fair to add in the first and the last chapters of the Bible, considering all the math we have seen so far. What are the chances that the name Jesus and the name Christ, and the sum of the first verse and the sum of the first and last chapters of the Bible could all be a multiple of 37?

2.7% x 2.7% x 2.7% x 2.7% = 0.00005%

That's about a 1 in 100,000 chance. And yet when we add it up:

100,099 + 275,599 = 375,698

Prime Factorization = 2 x 37 x 5077

In other words it makes the sum the 10,154th multiple of 37. What it also means though, is that since there is a two also in the prime factors, we can say that there are two 37-type stars of David (one for the first and one for the last, Alpha-Omega) composed of the last number 5077.

The digital sum of each star is 703, the 37th triangle

So the first two factors fit our Three Seven Code, perfectly. The mystery here is the third factor, the large prime 5077. What is it? Primes can be problematic in biblical mathematics. As important as they are, there is not much more that can be said about them, especially compared to a semi-prime like 2701, which has a galaxy of associated geometry and math.

In first encountering this prime, I was quite certain that I could not crack its code, if it even had one. The larger the number becomes the more difficult and rarefied are the mathematics. Something told me to persevere regardless. So I went back to the well that never goes dry. The first verse and the number 37 and the shell of its cube.

To find what the number of the exterior of a cube is, one simply subtracts the cube inside.

373 - 353 = 7778

If we subtract again the sum of the first verse, we land precisely on our magic number.

7778 - 2701 = 5077

So we have our connection and it is solid Three Seven mathematics.

Ext. 373 - (37 x 73) = 5077

But is there any geometry?

5077 units form four sides of the 37th cube

In fact there is. As it turns out any two sides of the cube of 37 is equal to 2701. This is a mathematical series that correlates (like many such series) with the all important triangular numbers. Any two connected sides of a cube represents every other triangular number: 2^3 = 6, 3^3 = 15, 4^3 = 28 on and on to 19^3 whose any two connected sides comes to 703.

2701 = The 37th Such Cube

Why this happens is that on a cube any two sides share the same edge, hence:

372 + 372 - 37 = 2701

So we can now say that the sum of the first and last chapters of the Bible are positively and securely based on the number and mathematics of 37. Each unit on this Throne of the cube of 37 can be said to be equal to 37 x 2, the sum of the name of Jesus in English ordinal. (5077 = Throne-37: 5077 x 74 = 375,698)

JESUS = 74

(37 + 37)

This I should think, ought to have profound implications for biblical mathematics and Christian theology. For it appears that the name Jesus, in English, has a powerful connection to the mathematical structure of the Bible. Many researchers in this field feel that using any English gematria is inappropriate, however, this opinion must soon be swept aside by the ongoing revelations that, in the least, the name Jesus and Jesus Christ in English is a fundamental component to the mathematical structure of the Scriptures, irregardless of previously prejudiced opinion.

The negative space of all 74 of these thrones seems to connects the perimeter of Genesis 1:1, 216 or 6 x 6 x 6, the cube of the days of creation. Here though we have two cubes (first and last, alpha and omega) united in the number 432 (216 x 2).

Negative Space = 3,372,624

37 x 432 x 211 = 3,372,624

Here too we could create some fantastic geometries based on the 6th cube, but it is the number 211 that ought catch our eye, for it is the sum of 'The Word' in Old Testament Hebrew.

211= The Word

The ordinal numeration (numbers based on the order of the letters in any given alphabet) often serve to confirm evidence. Here is where we find that these 'Thrones' though new and unstudied are part of the mathematical design of the first verse.

This is an Order-10 cube whose shell is 488 (10^3 - 8^3) and shows a double correlation with math of the verse in the ordinal.

These thrones are seats without their top row. The formula for these various geometries of a seat and chair and a throne are as follows:

Seat: (n^3) - [(n-2)*(n-1)*(n-1)]

Chair: (n^3) - [(n-2)*(n-1)*(n-1)] - [(n2) - (n-2)]

Throne: (n^3) - [(n-2)*(n-1)*(n-1)] - [(n2) - (n-2)] - [n + (n-2*2)]

These constructions, although new to biblical mathematics appear to be one of the most populous features of the geometry of Genesis 1:1, in that the verses contains over 3-million correlations to these throne constructions. The 13th Chair, the Chair of Jesus of Nazareth-2197 is the sum of the Spirit-574 (pneuma in Greek).

These geometric oddities seem to have a strange importance to the math of the Bible.

These 'Thrones' although new to biblical mathematics appear to be one of the most populous features of the geometry of Genesis 1:1, in that the verses contains over 3-million correlations to these throne constructions. The 13th such throne, the Throne of Jesus of Nazareth, sits upon the number of the nation of Israel-541. Nothing so appropriate could be a coincidence.

ישראל = 541 = Israel

There are 74 Alpha/Omega cubes in the mathematics of the first and last chapters.

One 37-type star of 37^3 for each chapter, i.e. the beginning and the end.


But there is also a singular cubic formation that unites the entire sum of the first and last chapters, through its prime factors, 74 and 5077. By taking the shell of the 5th cube (5^3 - 3^3) and porting four equilateral windows on each side of the cube, we find our magic number 74. Here again we can see the same geometry of the sign of the cross, now on every side of the cube.

This Jesus-cube outlines a cross on its every side.

Since both these formations are based on the cube, it means that they are modular and will fit together in either aspect. Meaning that the entire sum of both first and last chapters can not only be illustrated as a singular cube of 74, but also as a singular throne of 5077 where each facet of the formation is composed of a windowed cube of 74, the sum of the name of Jesus in English ordinal.

The use of the number 74 in the first and last chapters returns us to the original blueprint of the mathematics of the Bible, all found in the very first verse, Genesis 1:1. A recent discovery showed how the first verse can produce a perfect square based on the 74. The square function is common in mathematics and science, but it doesn't always have to produce a square.

Read more on Genesis 1:1 = JESUS²

Another cube can equilaterally reproduce 74 as a cube and it's one of God's favorites, a common centerpiece to the Three Seven Code, 7 x 7 x 7 or 7^3. The coding here seems to be a reference to the 6 days of creation with the final 7th day of rest. Each center-point on side of the cube, could be said to be representing 'Six in Seven.'


One of the most exciting aspects of this number puzzle 5077, is that there are multiple solutions that work. One of the most beautiful is the Windows of Truth solution. By removing the 441 centers (3 x 7 x 7 x 3 = 441 = Truth/Ameth) of each side of the cube, we get tantalizingly close to our solution. But we are still 55 off. It occurred to me that the 55 empty spaces were to be removed from the vital edges of the cube. Here is why:

Edges of 373 = 428

428 - 55 = 373

373 is Logos, the Word from John 1:1

The missing 55, I believe, is a subtle reference to the 37 & 73 of Genesis 1:1. If the meaning of those mirrored primes is duality, known in science as symmetry, then the number 55 would be the synthesis of the duality. A perfect example is found in the basic structure of the atom, where there are positive, negative and neutral elements. One might imagine something like: 37—positive, 73—negative, 55—neutral.


Because 55 is the average of 37 and 73. We see the same use of 55 in Revelation 1:1 and Psalm 137.

This is a most Three-Seven Cube indeed. Its true windows are the square of I AM (21) and the edges, which represent its fundamental geometry are the sum of the Logos, that Divine Word that orders the universe, a word (logos) whose academic meaning has evolved over the centuries to become synonymous with science.

The 55 missing pieces it seems are meant to be removed from only 11 of the 12 edges of the cube. I deduced this because not only do they then fit perfectly, being every sixth space, but 5 x 11 is the prime factorization of 55. So the placement is mathematically based. What the implied meaning of the 11 out of 12 is speculative. My best guess is that it is a reference to the betrayal of Judas. In other words: a prophecy.

As said, this is an exotic geometry, which will have exotic solutions. Why? Because exotic geometry can create so many more solutions than simple geometry. The number 50,653 (373) is perfect in its geometry but has only one perfect solution. The way the sum of the first verse interacts with the exterior of 373 makes for 100's if not 1,000's of perfect solutions.

Click the image to ENLARGE

Go to the bottom of the page to download the original Excel file that cracked the code of 5077. At the bottom of the spreadsheet you will find a 'Sandbox' version of the shell of 37-cubed in net layout form. In the Sandbox form the red squares have a value of 1, allowing for further discoveries on the Alpha-Omega Cube.

(Please email me with any of your discoveries to

Another of the myriad of possible solutions to this theological 'Rubik's Cube' is a checkerboarded Adam and Eve Opposition. Further evidence that much of the meaning of the Three Seven Code is the union of all opposites, man and woman, odd and even.

Click to ENLARGE


The first chapter of the Bible displays a symphony of mathematical correlations. By analyzing the sum of the 31 verses that make up the first chapter we see evidence that the very verses of the Bible may be fore-ordained.

Genesis Chapter One (31 verses) = 100,099

Prime factorization of 100,099 = 31 x 3,229

To see the numbers on Genesis chapter one click here.

The number 31 features in the mathematics of chapter one in a variety of ways. In fact the first 21 verses come to 62,000 even or 31 x 2000. The most straightforward reason for this is that 31 is a sum of the most common Hebrew name for God—EL-31. By using the rubric of Alpha & Omega with the first and last verses of chapter one we see another strong connection to 31, now in the shape of the cross.

This configuration is prescient, foreseeing centuries into the future, seeing Christ and the Cross, the eventual universal symbol of Christianity, that moment of moments in all of history where the salvation of mankind was made by the love and sacrifice of One.

And we have an abundance of evidence to back it up: Read the Cross Fractal, it should more than suffice.

The 78 letters of the two verses creates the T-12 triangle, the corners of which add up to 17, Hebrew for 'Good'—Tov.

What is so often compelling about biblical mathematics is where the evidence is found. The proof found in the first verse of the Bible is testament to that and so is the proof in the first verse of the LAST book of the Bible.

We see a strong correlation here between the mathematics of Genesis 1:1, where 37 x 73 produces this neat equation using mirror symmetry:

37 x 73 = 2701 + 1072 = 3773

The triangle that comprises the Revelation 1:1 sum is T-10, the tenth triangle, sum of 1-10. If we reflect on the sum of Genesis 1:1 it reproduces Revelation 1:1.

2701 + 1072

2701 + 1072

2701 + 1072

2701 + 1072

2701 + 1072

18,865 = Revelation 1:1

This is the same type of pattern seen in Psalm 137.

Another pattern like this is found in the first few verses of Revelation read the: Square Root of Truth:

Click to enlarge


The first chapter presented us with a straightforward semi-prime sum. The sum of the first and last chapters gave us a triprime (3-almost prime) and hid a marvel of geometry. The difference between the first and the last chapter rendered an abundant number with a host of divisors and geometries. So it is fitting that the sum of the last chapter be prime.

Revelation Chapter 22 = 275,599 = PRIME

See the last 21 verses of the Bible here.

This triangle (T-219) is connected mathematically to the triangle of Genesis 1:1 in many uncanny ways. One could say it is its mathematical opposite, verse opposite chapter, triangular numbers versus centered triangular numbers. Two quick equations display this:

T = Triangular Numbers

CT = Centered Triangular Numbers

(T-73) - (T-37) + 1 = CT-37

(T-219) - [(T-73) x 6] + 1 = CT-73

Other connections abound.

The 37th Centered Triangle (1999) sits and fits on T-109 and T-109 alone.

What is truly terrific about this triangle, in particular, is that ALL that has been said about the triangle of the first verse (Genesis 1:1 = the 73rd triangle) can be said about this triangle, SIX-TIMES OVER, as T-73 of Genesis 1:1 replicated 6 times fits the outline of T-219.

So in the end, do we see the beginning and the beginning do we see the end.


The middle chapter of the Bible also reveals a signature of 37 and one that follows the prime factorization of chapter one. The Bible we are using here is the Protestant Bible, whose standard middle chapter turns out to be Psalm 117, the shortest psalm in the book of psalms, with only two verses:

Psalm 117

O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.

For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever.

Praise ye the LORD.

The number of letters in this psalm registers at 62—interesting because because 62 is one of the prime factors of the first chapter and sum of the word Logos in ordinal Greek. The first verse of Psalm 117 adds up to 1080, "The Holy Spirit" in Greek, a perfect attribution. But it is the totality of the psalm that shows a further guiding hand. If you have spent anytime on this website you must know by now that the prime number 37 is of the highest pedigree, so the fact that every letter of the middle chapter of the Bible has a perfect average of 37 fits well within our 3—7 contention.

Psalm 117 has 62 letters

Psalm 117 = 2294

62 x 37 = 2294

So what happens when we compare the middle chapter to the first and the last?

A multitude of miracles in number....

The auspicious number 29 here is not auspicious at all, but rather the ordinal for Lord 'Adonai.'

As far as the perimeter sum goes, there are many, many other connections in the prime factors of 49,728, such as it is also a multiple of Jesus-888 and a cube of 777's (64 x 777).

The 777 comma-code here is one of the most powerful implementations I've seen. Biblical mathematics employs several arithmetics that serve as confirmation-maths. The 'Comma-Code' (where the place marker comma's separate the number into addible components) is just such a confirmation-math.

In traditional mathematics this sort of arithmetic is irregular to say the least, but in biblical mathematics it is becoming standard. It is too irregular to stand on it own, but when a configuration shows intrinsic design the comma-code is most often in its wake. This is truly mind-boggling mathematics as only a super-computer, AI or above could incorporate such features.

First + Middle + Last

The sum of the first, middle and last chapter = 2^3 x 37 x 1277 or 377,992. We have very good geometries for the first two components, but 1277 is an geometric unknown. However, 1277 is the 37th prime number congruent to 3 in mod. 7, a definitive and powerful connection to the Three-Seven fractal.See Modular Arithmetic

2 x 2 x 2 x 37 x 1277 = 377,992

Here again our Comma-Code comes to the rescue and confirms these calculations many times over:

373,404 = 373 + 404 = 777

49,728 = 49 + 728 = 777

3 x 7 x 37 = 777

First + Middle + Last Chapters = 377,992

377 + 992 = 1369

1369 = 37 x 37

Another feature of the sum of the three chapters is how the largest prime factor (1277) matches up to one of the most important prophecies in the Old Testament—that of Melchizedek.


And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth:

And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

= 1277 Hebrew Ordinal

The first, middle and last can be classified as a trinitarian equation. The traditional order of the Trinity is:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit

1 2 3

There is a fascinating study that one can undertake by keeping track of all the things in the universe that comes in three's. If you venture on this journey I can assure you that you will be continually surprised. IMO the number three is a fundamental component in the architecture of reality and inseparable from the three-in-one deity.

See Hegel's thesis-antithesis-synthesis, the primary colors of Goethe's color-theory or how triangles feature so prominently in mathematics, or The Rule of Three, which this list is in violation of.

In art and photography the Rule of Thirds is a basic composition guide.

—Omne trium perfectum

Ad Addendum

The geometry of the shell of a cube without two of sides is exotic to say the least. The Alpha Omega Cube is potent because:

A) It based in the number 37

B) It secretly hides the sum of the first verse, the very basis of biblical mathematics.

The discipline of biblical mathematics is very young but there are few things that we can say with certainty, one of those is the importance of figurative geometry in the discipline. Figurative geometry is an ancient practice, started by the Greeks, the very fathers of mathematics.

Modern mathematics however has little use for figurative geometry, because we have developed a much more sophisticated set of symbols than literally pebbles in the sand (ancient figurative geometry.) Nevertheless we don't know what yet lies in the figurative puzzle box or how deep its reaches are.

Biblical mathematics, like any discipline is an exploration of the truth. We cannot know where this journey will take us, we can only follow the signs on the road that lead us.

800 + 2368 = 3168

We have also seen that other such thrones fill in the picture. The next obvious question, from Three-Seven perspective is what about the 21st Throne. After all 21 is one of the most important numbers in the code and basis of God's name Eheyeh, I AM. So if we found evidence here it would be further confirmation of the code in general and the geometry of the throne in specific.

This then is one of the wonderful surprises so often found in biblical mathematics and gematria: Very often a researcher will suspect that some sort of hidden hand is directing one's attention to certain number but without any overarching reason why. 1541 was one such number, where it was speaking in a muffled way. Now its voice can be heard much more distinctly.

1541 • The 21st Throne (21³ - 19³) - (21² + 21² - 21)

1541 • The Alpha, The Omega (το A το Ω) Rev. 1:8

1541 • The Son of David (Ο Υιος του Δαβιδ)

1541 • Christian (Χριστιανος)

1541 • Before Abraham, I am. (Πριν αβρααμ γενεσθαι εγω ειμι) John 8:58

The last correlation is particularly telling. Right after Jesus says this, the people pick up stones to stone him for blasphemy. Why? Because he was referencing God's name Eheyeh-21 'I AM'. This number 1541 then very much connects our code together. It is also related to the Three-Seven in another fascinating way:

1541 = Sum of the primes and mirrors up to 73.

2 2

3 3

5 5

7 7

11 11

13 31

17 71

19 91

23 32

29 92

31 13

37 73

41 14

43 34

47 74

53 35

59 95

61 16

67 76

71 17

73 37

= 1541

The Throne of 40 (5968) is intriguingly a square of 373's: 16 x 373 = 5968.

Our understanding of the full picture of biblical mathematics is currently extremely limited. What we can say is the evidence is pointing to an exponential expansion of the mathematical horizons of the Bible. However, at this time, with such meager resources and so few researchers we can only speculate about the whole picture.

One such speculation is that the Alpha Omega Cube represents but a fraction of the entirety of the geometry that these passages are encoded with.

It appears that there may be a symmetrical opposite in the geometry. The Alpha-Omega Cube is based on the cube of 37, its natural biblical opposite would the cube of 73. A quick glance at the numbers shows some surprising results.

The Shell of 73^3 = 31,106

31,106 - 5077 = 25,599

100,099 - 25,599 = 74,500 = 298 x 250

275,599 - 25,599 = 250,000 = 1000 x 250

Here the sums of the first chapter and the last chapter both interact with low probability with the difference of an important cube. In both instances (298*250 & 1000*250) we have strong connection to the number 250. The first (298) is the ordinal sum of Genesis 1:1, reflected throughout the whole of the first chapter. The second (1000) is 10^3, reflecting the cube of the New Jerusalem in the book of Revelation.

Both equations can readily reproduce a pair of cubes, where 250 is the sum of 5^3 + 5^3. In the latter case 250,000 can be seen as a pair of cubes of cubes. This pairing appears to represent the beginning and the end, one for each chapter, first and last.

5^3 x 10^3 = 125,000

125,000 + 125,000 = 250,000

Similarly we have strong interaction the full cube of 73.

73 x 73 x 73 = 389,017

389,017 - 5077 = 383,940

383 + 940 = (3 x 7 x 7 x 3) x 3

Many of the cube formations are hollow, which may be why they have remained hidden for so long.

T-9 x 3³ x (7³ - 3³) = 383,940

(7³ - 3³) = Jesus


These hollow structures may have been alluded to in the final passages of the book of Revelation.

Rev. 21:22

And I saw no temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

This verse is strongly Three-Seven encoded. It has 73 letters in the Greek and its sum is a multiple of 37.

This of course is 'The Key of David' as the name David in Hebrew is 14, representing the Davidic Line of kings, and the genealogical structure of the Matthew account of the lineage of Christ.

A hollow formation can be made also using the square function, since 86^2 - 12^2 = 7252, where 86 is God-Elohim and 144 is Lord Jesus Hebrew ordinal.


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"God sets us nothing but riddles."

—Fyodor Dostoyevski