Totem Cross

The Totem Cross arrangement is a double hybrid configuration that sums to the name Jesus Christ-2368 and Lord Jesus Christ-3168, with complex DGA alignment.

As the configuration stands as pictured above, the DGA Alignment registers this configuration as a Titan Class Proof. The number of DGA's in the configuration as seen above is 72!. Each arm contains 18 cross facings, 18 x 4 = 72. The combinatorics total for 72 facing is the factorial 72!.

72! = 6123445837688608686152407038527




Totem Cross: POG Rating- 22

72!/ 60! = 22 digit number (7359037761652306329600)

The Totem Cross is composed of sixteen 144-Cross Cubes and one central 4^3. The cross cubes sum to the name Lord Jesus Christ in ordinal Hebrew and have a hollowed out core of the first cube 8.

Displaying the hollow interior of the 144-Cross Cubes.


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