The Jesus Pyramid

A triangle pushed into the 3rd dimension is not a pyramid per se, but technically a tetrahedron, that is a pyramidal shape with only 4 sides, each of which forms an equilateral triangle. The 73rd tetrahedron connects to the 73rd triangle as each face of this tetrahedron will have the sum of 2701, the sum of the first verse.

What is really interesting about this three dimensional shape is how it reflects the English name of Jesus Christ in its factors. This fact is very suggestive of the mathematically metaphysical. The transition from the two dimensional plane to three dimensions is highly suggestive of the Incarnation. A movement or projection from the realm of the ideal into that of the real—think jacking into 'The Matrix' in reverse.

We know this tetrahedron must be important in the programming of the first verse, because when we replicate shape into a Sierpinski tetrahedron it readily reproduces the sum of the Genesis 1:1 as it's 100th multiple and thus multiplying all the patterns found in the verse by 100 as well.

Further iterations of this fractal produce further connections with the name Jesus Christ in both Greek and in English.

The next iteration = 1,080,400 = Christ-1480 x 730, the iteration after that = 4,321,600 = Jesus Christ-2368 x 5² x 73.

As the iterations can continue on forever, so too can the multiples of the name, hence Gen. 1:1's math is infinite.

As stated, there are an infinite number of these iterations, but the fourth 'Protoverse-Pyramid' is of particular interest and has many interrelated geometries.

The 'Comma-Code' (4 + 321 + 600) is one of the unique signatures that many have found in the mathematics of the Bible.

Here the signature couldn't be more clear; it is Jesus Christ in multiple languages. The next iteration produces yet another comma-code,

5th generation protoverse-pyramid = 17,286,400 = 17 + 286 + 400 = 703 the 37th triangle, on and on, ad infinitum.

The three dimensional version of Genesis 1:1 not only reflects the name Jesus Christ, but increases the abundance of mathematical correlations produced by those seven simple Hebrew words written thousands and thousands of years ago. It repeats the same two dimensional pattern but now with the 37th octahedron which fits perfectly inside 73rd tetrahedron.

Octahedrons naturally fit inside tetrahedrons, however, it is the fact the 37th octahedron

is a multiple of the first word of the Bible (Berashith-913) that is astounding.

If we go the other way, so to speak, and subtract the 73rd tetrahedron from the 73rd octahedron

we produce a square of squares. Oct-73 —259,369 minus Tet-73—67,525 = 191,844 = 6² x 73²

If we try this with the 37th octahedron and tetrahedron we get something very similar.

Oct-37—33,781 minus Tet-37—9139 = 18 x 37² where 18 = 6 + 6 + 6

The geometries are endless, as are the number of meaningful connections to the name Jesus Christ. The following is one of the largest I've personally seen, but I'm sure with a supercomputer connections could be found with more digits than could fit on this page. The following employs the interior tetrahedron and the rebus of its puzzle has a deeply profound theology:

The Lord God, from the beginning has self-identified with the name Jesus Christ.

Here again the 'comma-code' produces a meaningful equation: 2 + 161 + 984 = 1147 = 31 x 37, God (EL) x 37.

The four surrounding corner tetrahedron, each being the 36th tetrahedron (6^2 = 36) come together to add up to 33744—a curious looking number indeed. What makes it more curious is that it complicates the correlations between 666 and 703. Whereas the 36th tetrahedron is screaming 666 on its every side, its factors relate more to 703, the 37th triangle. When we put all four corner tetrahedrons together we can produce a symphony of stars and triangles.

48 is the first possible 'Delineated Star of David.'

This 3-D geometry is a relatively new discovery, but already it can show several more symmetries, so common to the geometry of Genesis 1:1.

The image above shows how the sum can reconfigure into a semi-star of stars.

The prime factors of 67,525 show a similar pattern.

We see this same sort of pattern in the name Jesus Christ-925.



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"I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene...

No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus."

— Albert Einstein