The Crucifix Configuration

The 2368 units in the name Jesus Christ seen configured above

IMO the Crucifix Configuration, seen above, is perhaps the most beautiful proof of God I've ever seen. These sort of configurations are discoveries not inventions, which is why I feel free to stand in awe of them. What we are learning in this latest bout of discoveries in biblical mathematics, is that the most powerful proofs of God, were locked away in three-dimensional geometry.

This makes sense.

Three dimensional geometry is capable of holding exponentially more data that two dimensional geometry.

For the last few decades the online biblical mathematics community has largely focused on two-dimensional geometry, with the exception of Mr. Slattery of who has plumbed the depths of the most important irrational numbers. The power of the evidence found in the two dimensional geometry is what led to the making of

With these new three dimensional discoveries, we now know that the majority of the mathematical proof of God was hiding all along in three dimensions, in a very large way. It appears that the thousands of pages of evidence found in the two dimensional geometry was only just the introduction to the mathematics of the Bible.

The gray blocks sum to 1480 for Christ and the white blocks to the 888 of Jesus.

This configuration is certainly beautiful and obviously symbolically Christian, but it is also powerful proof. There are 32 cross cubes in the configuration each numbering 74, the ordinal sum of the name Jesus in English.

English Ordinal

But it is the fact that this holy name Jesus Christ-2368 adheres its geometry to this Crucifix Shape that makes it important. What makes it proof, and another example of Titan Class Proof, is how the Divine title of Lord-800 shows Divergent Geometric Agreement (DGA).

The title Lord Kurios-800 acts as a covering for the remainder Jesus Christ-2368, a perfect example of DGA (Divergent Geometric Agreement)

And it does it in another way, by engaging the cross-lattice of the cubes. It somehow knew just how many of these cubes and cubeface's there were because it leaves one side of the entire configuration empty.

The number of cubes of the white crosses = 800 Lord, the remainder 2368 Jesus Christ

Another example DGA is Cruciform Engagement, where crosses meet crosses.

Perhaps the best example can be found in The Door Configuration, called so because Christ called himself The Door.

It appears that these various geometries (cross cubes-74, cruciform-5 and platform-25) are intended to be used interchangeably. The number of ways the name the Lord Jesus Christ could be constructed together in this manner is practically infinite.

Using multiple geometries produces a Decorative Configuration that still retains the Lord-800 Jesus Christ-2368 split.

The number of ways the Lord-800 and Jesus Christ-2368 shows Divergent Geometric Agreement and still retains its Cube-74 architecture is perhaps the most startling number in the history of science. This is the power of combinatorics at its finest. Combinatoris or Permutations is itself ruled by factorials, which rise at a dizzying rate. Factorial 60! is the number of atoms in the visible universe. Since all the divisors of 800 produce DGA correlation with the 32 cubes of 74 or Jesus Cubes, it means that the entire configuration itself can be reconfigured in more ways than there atoms in the visible universe by orders and orders of magnitude.

Each one of those configurations can uniquely be reconfigured (like some incredible Rubik's Cube or slide puzzle) in more ways than there are atoms in the universe by orders and orders of magnitude. Basically: the name the Lord Jesus Christ displays greater complexity than the complexity of the physical universe itself, by orders and orders of magnitude.

The Domino Configuration, besides being another great example of DGA, displays how important the divisor number one is to the math of combinatorics, especially in permutational mathematics. It's the number one that allows the math to work with all the other divisors of 800 (see below).

Seeing this geometric agreement shows the supernatural power in the name Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing it once is visual proof of how improbable this geometry is, but we can see this same agreement in the geometry in many... many ways.

The question is: How many ways?

The answer is supplied by the mathematics of Combinatorics. First we have to determine how many of the larger cubes there are here. The answer is 32. Next how many sides are there in total to these cubes. The answer is 6 times 32 or 192. So there are 192 different possible positions where we can find Divergent Geometric Agreement.

What that means is that there are 6 ways this can demonstrate with perfect symmetry and factorial-192! ways with perfect asymmetry.

192! =











And that constitutes definitive proof of the existence of God in the person of Jesus Christ.

Even as I type this I can hear the skeptics screaming: 'How!?'

The answer is because that number of geometric agreements is larger than the number of atoms in the visible universe. That isn't just amazing it can be constructed into a logical proof of God, with what I call the Proof Positive Argument.

The Proof Positive Argument:

If the amount of mathematical evidence for the existence of God

is more numerous than the number of atoms in the visible universe,

then that is proof positive that there is a God.

It is proof positive, because, if the evidence for the existence of God is more numerous than the evidence for the existence of the physical universe, it logically follows then, that if you believe in the existence of the universe, then you must believe in the existence of God even more, because there is more proof of God than there is proof of the physical universe.

Stop and think about that.

Stop reading and look around you. Look at the room you're in or the place you're at. Everything you see is composed of innumerable collections of atoms. And all the stars in the night sky are collections of atoms so vast you could never hope to imagine their number. Yet the proof of God in the name the Lord Jesus Christ is more numerable than that.

In other words, the proof of the world is of less proof than the proof of the name the Lord Jesus Christ.

Whereas God's Rubik's Cube Configuration has a POG Rating (Proof Of God) POG-227 this configuration registers a titanic POG Rating of POG-275. POG Ratings are determined by units called AOU, which stands for a close approximation of the number atoms in the visible universe, which is approximately factorial 60!.

192!/ 60! =








As this number has 275 digits its POG Rating is POG-275. That's just for a single configuration.

A host of other important names match this complex geometry.

The empty center, if filled with Jesus-74 cubes would sum to 370.

As seen in many other 3D configurations, the cube of the New Jerusalem and the word Jerusalem itself, coordinate with the geometry.

32 white cubes of 27 fit within the Jesus-74 cubes, another classic example of DGA, Divergent Geometric Agreement.

The number of ways these geometries based on the cruciform can interact with the name Lord Kurios-800 and the Jesus Christ-2368 is itself an enormous number. This is due to the fact that all the divisors of the number 800 can be formulated to create multiple iterations of Divergent Geometric Agreement. The image below is the first half of all the divisors of 800, the second half are the multipliers that correlate to the first half.

Not only does the other half of the divisors act as multipliers for these DGA's many of them are DGA's in and of themselves.


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“The most obscene symbol in human history is the Cross; yet in its ugliness

it remains the most eloquent testimony to human dignity.”

― R.C. Sproul