Isaiah Inscription

Over a thousand years ago, someone, no one knows who, carved these Hebrew letters into the side of a block at the Western 'Wailing' Wall of Jerusalem. The words are in reference to this phrase from Isaiah 66:14:

And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb

וראיתם ושש לבכם ועצמותיכם כדשא תפרחנה

This inscription is famous in Israel, being a rare visible biblical inscription in stone and perhaps, more so, being so mysterious and suggestive a reference. Bones flourishing like an herb is simply a idiomatic expression of a blessing of positive growth. But what is it that they will see that will make their heart rejoice?

Perhaps it is a riddle.

Or perhaps it is a miracle hidden in plain sight.

A skeptic would say that this small portion of Scripture has been randomly selected by the chaotic forces of culture and history. As a randomly selected segment of the Bible, it could have no intentional design behind the number that its letters represent. Yet of the countless inscribed graffiti's of the ancient world, this one stands out, due to its location and its survival. Technically, this is a portion of the Bible, however small. The question is, does it relate to the many, many repeated patterns seen in the text, known as the 3/7 Fractal or could it even be connected to the patterns in the first verse, the very template of that fractal?

The chances of a random segment such as this being mathematically correlated to the first verse is rather remote. HOWEVER, it is exactly the sort of thing that the God of the Bible would do and can be shown to have done again and again. In order to reveal the riddle however, we must break new mathematical ground to find an old treasure hiding in a new place.

Read all about the star-numbers in the Star Fractal.

The geometry of the hexagram or 'Star-Number' is one of most important in biblical mathematics as seen in the factors of the first verse and in many other places (see the Star Fractal). This figurative Star of David and emblem of the modern nation-state of Israel is more than simple decoration. Its construction, both mathematically and symbolically is emblematic of the union of all opposites and two triangles overlaid, united in a hexagon. So these stars are very much related to triangles. And mathematically triangles represent the sum function, so symbolically the hexagram represents the sum of all things—a fractal by any other name.

In fact these stars can be created by the sum of the perimeter of every 4th triangle:

Star numbers and every 4th triangle share the same perimeter.

This telescoping series then can provide a whole new family of mathematical connections, yet unseen in biblical mathematics. Perhaps the most astounding is how the 37th triangle (the 703 sum found in the last two words of Gen.1:1) reflects the important star 541, the sum of name of Israel (the 10th star number and 100th prime number).

Other well known identities, such as the Godname 'I am that I am' (543), when viewed in this new perspective produce an even deeper understanding of the associated numbers.

T(21) = 231

(3 x 77 or 7 x 33)

Since then so much of biblical mathematics is tied up in the first verse and factors of the first verse, it is highly relevant which triangles produce the elusive star 37 and 73:

The product of these triangles should also be examined as the product of their stars is the first verse of the Bible.

45 x 91 = 4095

The two relevant triangles produce yet another triangle (T-90) which itself is composed of a T-44 and three T-45's

It is this triangle to which the Isaiah Inscription is pointing, in triple numerical anagram:

And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb

וראיתם ושש לבכם ועצמותיכם כדשא תפרחנה

= 3105

3 x 1035 = 3105

The center portion of this triangle however is missing. This is what is known as a conspicuous absence, for when we see what it missing we find the 3/7 Fractal hidden in plain sight.

Curiously, when we add in the three outlines of the T-45's we get 4096 or 64 x 64 an important number to the name Jesus Christ.

This 3700 sum is the surface of the 44th tetrahedron. The number itself is highly connected to the mathematics of the Bible and have been known about for some time—Read 3700 The Breastplate of the High Priest.*

* "And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb" in English Ordinal = 830 and Issachar (יששכר) = 830

The Isaiah Inscription must also be considered in its ordinal numeration (its number according the order of the Hebrew alphabet). What's so intriguing about the ordinal is that it too accords itself with the 3/7 Fractal and with the standard numeration. The sum of the Hebrew ordinal is 396.

And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb

וראיתם ושש לבכם ועצמותיכם כדשא תפרחנה

= 396 ordinal

This number is related then to the 44th triangle (seen above) in that both are multiples of 99 (99 x 4 = 396 and 99 x 10 = 990). looking again at 3700 tetrahedron we find it is itself a multiple of the ordinal version of the Isaiah Inscription:

The triangle of the first verse also renders a suggestive star:

Here again we see a profound similarity with Genesis 1:1

The stars placement is not random,

but follows the arrangement of a 73-type star.

Genesis 1:1 7 words, 28 letters

Exodus 20:1 7 words, 28 letters


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"These things said Isaiah, when he saw his glory, and spake of him."

(referring to Jesus)

— John 12:41