Cruciform Fractal

Until I can figure out the full extent of the Cruciform Fractal and its possible implications, I am just making this page a grab-bag of illustrations that hopefully you can make sense of.

The Cruciform Fractal and three-dimensional biblical mathematics are not only the most complex mathematical objects I've ever encountered, but they are also looking like the most complex objects ever discovered by man.

So this might take awhile....

A newly found cubic formation of the protoverse displays how the Cruciform Fractal has a multitude of forms, that coincide with the numbers 37&73 and the basic perpendicular cross.

The 73-hybrid cube is composed of the internal cruciform molecule-37 and the cubic container-36. Merge them together and we get 73 units and a model synthesis of the first verse of the Bible in 3-dimensions.

One of the riddles left to the world by the Deity is the puzzle of the first verse of the Bible, and how it is solved by the name and number of Jesus Christ-2368. Only in the last decade or so has this puzzle been discovered let alone explored. We now know that due to the power of the mathematics of combinatorics, that the puzzle has trillions and trillions of correct answers.

When we scale up this model where every cube becomes a cruciform molecule-37, we find that every face of this complex cube bespeaks of the Cross, the Trinity and the name and number of the Jesus Christ-2368.

By highlighting the interior 7-fold cluster of 37's and adding to it one from each of the 12 edges, we find the magic number 703, the 37th triangle and a classic proof using Jenkins Containment.

The square of Jesus Christ is composed of a square of squares, each one God²

Genesis 1:1 as a 3D fractal of crosses or 37 73's

(Cruciform major-37—Cruciform-minor-73)

The Cruciform Fractal

The geometry of the cruciform fractal is in three dimensions as opposed to the two dimensions of the Cross Fractal. The key to unlocking this three dimensional puzzle was, naturally enough, a 3 & 7 cross in the three dimensions:

This humble little cross is 3 cubes wide, tall and broad.

Altogether they make 7, hence the three-seven cross.

This central 3d axis is the root of the fractal. And it couldn't simpler or should I say 'less complex.' A cross or two perpendicular lines at a 90 degree angle is the first complexity in Euclidean geometry. The meaning of the cross is theological—salvation. Metaphorically however, the basic symbol of a cross has myriad associations. As a symbol in its most basic essence it is the meeting together of two opposing forces—a union of opposites.

A fractal is a simple mathematical procedure that produces unexpected results with self similarity. The wonder of what Benoit Mandlebrot discovered in the nature of fractals, is how simple procedures can produce great complexity that still retains a similar ordering principle.

When we iterate the next two generations of the three-seven cross, it produces the the prime factors of Genesis 1:1, mathematically the most important verse in the Bible.

To some these clusters of crosses may seem strange or possibly even random. But these two molecules of crosses are exactly what fractals look like. Because 37 and 73 are the factors of the first verse, then 37 of the 73's or 73 of the 37's reproduces the first verse in a very complex three dimensional model.

The second generation of 37 is of particular importance since it can scaled up and reproduced with fidelity in the name and number of Jesus Christ 2368.

This is a signature in the three dimensional figurative geometry. The signature is of divine authorship by the individual known to history as Jesus Christ.

This can demonstrated in several ways and configurations. Since the prime factors of the first verse are 37 and 73 it means that 37 of the 73-type configuration add up to the sum of the first verse. As does 73 or the 37-type cross clusters.

Which of course means this:

Anyone of the three axis will sum to 333 leaving a remainder of 2368, Jesus Christ in New Testament Greek.


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© Copyright 2020, All rights reserved, John Elias

"A fractal is a way of seeing infinity."

— Benoît B. Mandelbrot