The Peter Cube

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The Cube of Peter

In John 1:42, we see Jesus giving Peter a new name. Here He uses the Greek for the Aramaic, calling him Kephas and saying it was to mean a stone. The word here has an unusual sum in that it is a cube, here being the cube of nine. This is rare (1%) as there are only ten cubes in the first thousand numbers.

Κηφας = 729

729 = 9 x 9 x 9

This fact was noted by Bonds and Lea over a hundred years ago, in their Gematria. Here they found a surprising geometric correlation with in this cube between Kephas and Petra. They noted that the front faces of a cube of 9 x 9 x 9 would have 243 cells. If you added the name Petra to this sum you got a cube of nine again.

243 + 486 = 729

9 x 9 x 9 = 729

What they missed was that the 243 was a clear reference to Abraam, the founder of the Faith and thus the face of the stone. The number 486 is the number of all six faces of the cube and the number 729 has six prime factors one for each side of the cube.

6 x 81 = 486

3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 729

We find another correlation with Petra when it is coupled with the Trust. The trust here being that Peter was going to be the new leader of the movement after Christ had ascended. It was literally entrusted to him.

(η πετρα) + (η παραθηκη) = The Petra + The Trust = Kephas

494 + 235 = 729

The exact language here shows that Christ was making multiple mathematical references to gematria in both standard and ordinal. The Petra, the stone comes to 494, which is the ordinal sum of the last NINE words of the verse.

‘The son of Jona, thou shall be called Kephas, which by interpretation means a stone.’

ο υιος ιωνα συ κληθηση κηφας ο ερμηνευεται πετρος

= 494 (Greek Ordinal)

η πετρα = The Stone (Petra) = 494

But it is a double reference, for when we add in the name Simon, in the beginning of the phrase, the sum now changes to 570.

‘Simon the son of Jona, thou shall be called Kephas, which by interpretation means a stone.’

σιμων ο υιος ιωνα συ κληθηση κηφας ο ερμηνευεται πετρος

= 570 (Greek Ordinal)

Κηφας = Kephas = 57 (Greek Ordinal)

57 x 10 = 570

This may be a reference to the 57 and 570 sum of the Hebrew word for ten in the ordinal and standard.

עשר = Ten = 57 & 570

There is another bit of wordplay, in that Petra is an anagram of Pater, the vocative (the personal address form) of the word Father, as Peter would known as the Father of Church, though not its founder.

Πατερ = Father

Πετρα = Stone

This exact naming of Kephas also shows an interesting correspondence to Yahweh, the holiest name of the Old Testament. The Word for stone used in the verse is rendered Petros, which has a value of 755. The Hebrew word for Stone using modern values comes to 703.

Πετρος = Stone = 755

אבן = Stone = 703 (Modern Hebrew)

703 + 26 = 729

729 + 26 = 755

26 = Yahweh

729 is +/- 26 from Stone

Another correlation to the Hebrew Aben-stone is found in the number 729. Here it is in the sum of all odd numbers up to 53.

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9…. + 53 = 729

אבן = Stone = 53

We find another Stone correlation when we convert Simon Peter to Greek Ordinal.

Σιμων Πετρος = Simon Peter = 166 (Ordinal)

בחן אבן אבן = A Tried Stone (Isaiah 28:16) = 166

And once again with Simon Peter in its standard form.

Σιμων Πετρος = Simon Peter = 1855 (Standard)

3 x 5 x 53 = 1855

אבן = Stone = 53

In all of this we find a focus on the number nine. So what happens if we multiply Kephas by nine.

Κηφας = Kephas = 57 (Greek Ordinal)

57 x 9 = 513

Here we find the ordinal sum of Peter’s confession to Christ, from Matthew 16:16.

‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’

συ ει ο χριστος ο υιος του θεου του ζωντος = 513


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