Latin Gen.1:1

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The Logos Series and the Latin Vulgate Genesis 1:1

How the letters of the first verse of the Latin Vulgate Bible points to the Logos, the Logos Series and the Koch Fractal


The word Logos (Λογος) ΛΟΓΟΣ employed by John in the beginning of the Gospel of John, is a primary feature of biblical mathematics, due to its primacy in New Testament theology, continued use throughout history as a synonym for science and numerically its palindromic structure that reflects the 3/7 fractal.

(7 x 37) + (6 x 19) = 373

It's figurative construction is based upon the Koch Snowflake fractal where seven stars are connected by six hexagons. This composite configuration is an old standby of biblical mathematics, but what wasn't known, until now, is that it is also the basis of an infinite number series whose formula is, in part, based upon variant geometries. The fact this composite construction can be formulated by an independent figurative number is significant and something rather rare in mathematics.

The Logos Star (373) is part of a newly discovered family of fractals. Since this discovery is (at the time of this writing) only days old, it is difficult to say just how large this family is and just how many connections it makes to other mathematical bodies.

The Star-hex family of sequences correlates with a surprising number of figurative formulas. It also connects to many well known mathematical identities of the Bible.

There is at least one group in the family of sequences that has infinite iterations of formulas for its construction.

Each illustration in the above graphic represents a group of figurative shapes, each shape being n-possible number of units per its geometry.

To read more on this family of fractals scroll below, or click the hyperlink to THE LOGOS SERIES.

Another prime example of highly improbable geometric encoding in the Latin

Genesis 1:1 text can be seen here in 7770 In the Beginning... Jesus Christ

The Hebrew and the Latin are mathematically connected in the ordinal by the series of the formula for the Hebrew ordinal configuration, namely 3[(4n+1)*(4n+3)] + 1, where the Latin is the sum of the first three such entities: 10 + 106 + 298 = 414.

These series also appear referenced in the first verse of the Latin Vulgate Bible in something of a graphic riddle. This riddle is leading us directly to an adamant conclusion, pointing directly to the configuration below:

Currently, the body of biblical mathematics is based primarily on the evidence discovered in the Hebrew and Greek Old and New Testament manuscripts, known collectively and commonly as the Bible. Recent forays, however, into other translations have begun to show great promise, e.g., KJV and NIV. However, very little, if any work has been found or even looked for in the Latin Vulgate, one of the most important texts in the history of the Bible, its Church and theology.

It should go without saying, that any attempt to analyze the Latin texts mathematically, must follow the same codification of the Hebrew and Greek gematria. To be considered important, these texts must then produce similar patterns found in the Hebrew and Greek. Chief among these should be significant figurative patterns found in the first verse of the Latin Bible, complementary to the other texts.

Which is exactly what we see:

543 is also connected to the Hebrew Gen.1:1 via mirror mathematics, where Gen. 1:1 = 2701 and 2701 minus its reverse 1072 = 1629 or (543 x 3).

It is the base of the Latin-Letter triangle that once again gives us the famous Genesis 1:1 post-script, where the phrase 'And the Earth' not only fits as the base of the letter triangle (as it does in the Hebrew) but it also produces a centered geometry mirroring the hexagonal shape of the Logos-Series snowflakes.

It may appear at first glance that this hexagon doesn't quite fit right (or at least as perfectly as all the other revealed Divine geometry) and there is a reason for this. I have personally found that when something doesn't seem to fit, it is because it is actually part of a larger puzzle and I haven't quite got the right perspective yet.

This centered hexagon is meant to house the Logos-star-373, in emblem of the Order of Melchizedek, from the most quoted passage in the Bible, Psalm 110:

The reason hexagon-631 not only appears in the Latin first verse, but follows suit with the Hebrew and does so by the words 'And the Earth' is because this shape is a perfect match for the the 1261 star that is emblematic of the order of Melchizedek. These configurations harmonize into a single shape that reveals both the ultimate truth of the Logos and the order of Melchizedek.

The only being that ever walked the earth that could ever make such math work like this, is known to history as Jesus and known to the gospel writer John as 'The Logos.'

The great star is the Melchizedek-1261 star, but when we subtract the Logos-373 from its center,

we find the hidden number and name of 888 the most famous number for the name Jesus.

This number 1261 is not just another ordinary star number. It appears to have been selected for a number of precise reasons. Chief among them being that it is one of the very few numbers (the other is 37) that is both a centered-hexagon and a star-hexagram. The figures below both number 1261:

The star within the star is more precisely contained within the parameters of the inner hexagon of that star.

The unadorned stars are 337 in hexagram-1261 and 661 in hexagon-1261. Both of these stars figure prominently in the Star-Fractal, the first being the sum of a Psalm of David, the title of the most famous and numerous psalms in the Bible; and the second being 661 in the 1261-hexagon being the sum of the book and OT personage of Esther, whose name means 'star' and is where the word 'star' comes from (Esther> Aster> Star: asteroid, asterisk, astronomy, etc.).

This highlighting of the star and remainder into basic geometry and profound gematria is referenced in the very center of the Latin triangle of letters that makes up the first verse.

The letters R, T, D are a precise representation of the number 294 in Latin/English gematria T = 200, R = 90, D = 4

The only two Logos Series stars that fit perfectly within the hexagons (1261) of this configurations are 373 and 733, a clear reference to the 3/7 Fractal and the factors of the first verse of the Bible.

The two figurative constructions below are numerically the same (1261) but geometrically different. The fractalized Logos Series stars (373 & 733) fits this double geometry perfectly. Since all Logos Series numbers must end in 3, these two numbers in effect exact a perfect reference to the 3/7 code.

373 — 733

What's really fascinating is when we subtract the star of Melchizedek (1261) from the Logos Series star 1813, highlighted on the perimeter of the Latin Genesis 1:1 triangle.

1813 - 1261 = 552

Σ of the primes from 37 to 73 = 552

37+41+43+47+53+59+61+67+71+73 = 552

This connection deepens with the sum of 37 & 73 and the 37th and 73rd odd & even integers:

[ 37 + (37th Odd) + (37th Even) ] + [ 73 + (73rd Odd) + (73rd Even) ] = 552


This centered hexagon (631) is also connected the Logos-373 via the triangle of the Spirit (946 T(43)). This triangle is a perfect fit for both the Logos—373 star cluster and the 631 centered hexagon. Indeed the 337 star number, when fractalized into a Koch snowflake, produces a 373 configuration. This composite configuration matches perfectly the Greek grammar (nominative & genitive forms) pertaining to the Logos.

Here we see that both the 'Logos' and 'Of the Logos' fit perfectly within T-43,

the triangle (Trinity) of the Spirit.

The 3 corner sections produces an ordinal Trinity of Jesus of Nazareth (191).

Another telling geometry of this triangle is how it dissects the product of its triangle. Here the first 4 rows of letters produce the 32nd triangle (528), one already famous to students of biblical mathematics for being related to the name Lord Jesus Christ (528 x 6 = 3168) and the sum of the Hebrew for the Alphabet.

The remaining sum, the base, is a trinity of the Lord as well as 26 twelfth triangles (26 x 78 = 2028).


The Star of David (a hexagram or technically a centered-dodecagonal number) and its accompanying hexagon are a fundamental facet of biblical mathematics. The Bible highlights this construction in many theologically important passages. An extensive survey of the 'Star-Fractal' and its underlying role in the Bible can be read here.

What wasn't known until now, is that the complex pattern of the Logos Star (see below) is but the merest twinkling of a universe of infinite star clusters, whose formula's connect to a wide array of well established mathematical entities.

This pattern of alternating figurative hexagons and hexagrams (stars) is infinite in multiple ways. What's interesting is how it connects to other mathematical formulas and figurative geometries. We have no way of knowing how many different connections there are, but already we have established links with:

Star Numbers

Triangular Numbers (A000217)

Hexagonal Numbers (A000384)

Centered Hexagonal Numbers (A003215)

8-gonal Centered Numbers — Octagonal (A016754)

9-gonal Centered Numbers — Enneagonal (A060544)

10-gonal Centered Numbers — Decagonal (A062786)

12-gonal Centered Numbers (A03154)

14-gonal Centered Numbers (A069127)

18-gonal Centered Numbers (A069131)

The Logos itself (373), the pattern that led to the discovery of all the other family of fractals, is instructive in just how integrated this mosaic tiling of geometry is within the larger body of mathematics.

Logos Series Formula:

12*(5n² + 5n + 1) + 1

Formula for Centered-Decagonal Numbers:

5n² + 5n + 1

The Logos formula is predicated on the formula for a 10-sided polygon, hence the 5's in its formulation. There are an infinite number n-sided polygons, but some are more interesting than others (like c.10-gonals a number whose digits will always be a triangular number with a one at the end.)

Centered Decagonals are concentric 10-sided polygons

An easier way to put this is that the Logos Series is twelve times a C. 10-gonal plus one. Star Numbers themselves are in all actuality, nothing more than centered 12-gonal polygons (a very biblical point with twelve points around it). The fact that these produce patterns that look like Stars of David is a dalliance of their 12-based geometry.

The Logos-373 snowflake is then a product of the third 10-gonal or (12 x 31) + 1. When we calculate the series we find singular patterns produced by this formula:

Logos-Series 1-37: 13, 133, 373, 733, 1213, 1813, 2533, 3373, 4333, 5413, 6613, 7933, 9373, 10933,12613, 14413, 16333, 18373, 20533, 22813, 25213, 27733, 30373, 33133, 36013, 39013, 42133, 45373, 48733, 52213, 55813, 59533, 63373, 67333, 71413, 75613, 79933

Every number in the series will always end in three and the series has an infinite number of layered terminal repeat cycles, which means every 5th number will terminate in 3-7-3 and the digital sum of each number in the series repeats 4-4-7. This new series to science is made all the more interesting by the peculiar makeup of centered decagonal numbers, who will always be a triangular number followed by a final digit of one: Centered Decagonals: 1, 11, 31, 61, 101, 151, 211....

** One alternative proposed on the OEIS submission of this series is the formula 13 + 60*n + 60n^2

The Logos Series however is just one sequence in an infinite family of Star/Hex numbers series:

So far, the main branch of the fractal family is the one connected to the centered octagonal numbers (2n+1)^2 known more commonly as the odd numbers squared (9, 25, 49, 81, etc.). Square numbers, are of course, fundamentally bedrock to mathematics in general, so it is of no surprise that they are so effortlessly integrated in this series of sequences.

But pay close attention to how almost every aspect of this complex carpet of geometry is perfectly accounted for, formulated and ultimately integrated with the great monoliths of geometry:

Basic Formula the Odd Squares or (2n + 1)²

Coefficient (Multiplier): Six times 9-gonal numbers (3n-1)*(3n-2)/2 (A060544)

Number of Hexes: Six times C. Hexes or 18*n*(n+1) + 6 (A164016)

Number of Stars: 18-gonal numbers 9*n^2 - 9*n + 1 (A069131)

Total Number of Components per Iteration: Kleeva Star Grids 3*2^n*(2^n-1) + 1 (A0169726)

A Kleeva Star Grid is composed of hexagonal

groups of interlocking Stars of David

Other iterations of this pattern produce formulas and meaningful connections to other important mathematical formulas: (A016754) (A061793). The number of iterations of this pattern are infinite as well may be its connections to mathematics in general. The formulas and the most important connections appear to follow those patterns with a centered hexagonal number of components.

Centered Tetradecagonal Numbers (14-gonal) — 7n^2 - 7n +1

Centered Decagonal Numbers (10-gonal) — 5n(n - 1)


A complete listing of all the formulas and configurations in this fractal is impossible, since there is at least one series that is infinite. Below, however, are listed seven iterations based on four types of formulas. The shapes of the configurations is not necessarily bound to the the arithmetic, these are simply arranged with the tightest contiguous geometry.

(A069127) (A062786) (A001539) (A016754) (A001539) (AO61793) (A016754)

Just how many iterations of this pairing of a figurative hexagram and hexagon there are, is hard to estimate. Many results showed evidence of formulation but didn't correspond to any known sequences. Similarly, many of the configurations are modular and could create new formula based on various grouping of different configurations.

To the above for basic formulas (not counting different coefficients) we can add:

This ring-configuration is mathematically based in the centered 9-gonals (every 3rd triangle) times twelve, 9-gonal Centered Numbers — Enneagonal (A060544). It may also be an infinitely evolving fractal as it has an opposite figure, which numbers twice every 6th square number. (6n + 3)^2 = (A0016946)

These are, naturally, modular:

Other hybrid configurations are possible and probably numerous:



Please understand that Biblical mathematics as a whole, does not regard 666 as 'evil' or satanic, but something of a great mystery. We base this belief on the evidence in the mathematics seen in the Bible, which appears again and again associated with the power of God. So please be willing to put aside those superstitions born in the Middle Ages and see what the Bible actually has to say about it.

The Protoverse (Genesis 1:1) is by my estimation, thee most elaborate alphanumeric mathematical marvel conceivable. To date it has already produced several thousand pages of evidence of its underlying engineering all from seven simple words in Hebrew. It beggars belief that all this could have transpired by mere chance alone.

Perhaps even more amazing is how the Protoverse has produced similar patterns in other translations and semi-codes in both Hebrew and Greek. Traditional biblical mathematics was founded in the twin alphanumeric disciplines of Hebrew and Greek. This is because they are the original languages of the manuscripts of the Bible.* However, the Latin Vulgate of the Roman Church, could be argued to be more historically important than either. Whether you are Greek Orthodox or Southern Baptist, the Latin Vulgate was an important translation to the history of the world in general and the history of Christianity in specific.

*A small portion of the Old Testament was written in Aramaic, a very close linguistic relative of Hebrew, using the same alphabet

and much of the same vocabulary. It is also thought that the Gospels may have been originally conceived and written in either Hebrew

or Aramaic. If so, those documents have been lost to history and the world received the New Testament in Greek and Koine Greek alone.

Latin however, has no native gematria other than its six classical Roman Numerals. These numerals can still be seen in the dating of major motion pictures. There were however a most cumbersome system that plagued and bogged down European mathematics until Fibonacci convinced them to use Hindu-Arabic numerals.

One of the little known features of the classical Roman Numeral system is that it added up to 666, discussed in depth in the ROME 666 page.

Numeral Value

I 1

V 5

X 10

L 50

C 100

D 500

Total 666

But what happens when we apply classical gematria, the very same method used in Hebrew and Greek, to the Latin language?

T-71 has an interesting connection to English in that the English word for GOD*, using this same system comes to 71.

T-71 = GOD

G = 7

O = 60

D = 4

7 + 60 + 4 = 71

*Latin uses the same system as English gematria

This Latin sum shows a plenitude of connections to the word for God in multiple languages. Its triangular number is the number for God using the same methods in the English language—the international language of the modern world. This connection is further reinforced by the fact that the sum of the Latin Genesis 1:1 gives each of its 36 letters an exact average of 71.

Latin Genesis 1:1 = 36 letters

Latin Genesis 1:1 Sum = 2556

2556/ 36 = 71

GOD = 71

It has a further connection to God (in Greek) by the fact that four English 'Gods' equal one Greek God.

Theos (God in Greek) = 284

71 x 4 = 284

Strangely, when we apply the same inverted triangular technique, as done to the Hebrew version of Genesis 1:1, we find a startling truth.

This number 2556, hides even more 6's and 666's in the sum of its divisors—an unchangeable arithmetic.

What this means is that the Latin version of Genesis 1:1 can be seen as the diametrical opposite of the Hebrew.

That's symmetry is so perfect that it ought to give us a lot to think about. In the least it shows what all the rest of it always shows, that there is an almighty guiding hand that authors not only the Bible but the very languages of man. If you don't like these results, you can ignore them. But it doesn't mean they will go away.

Another triangular 666 connection like this can be found in the mathematics of the last chapter of the Bible using centered-triangles:

The Last Chapter of the Bible


Interest in biblical mathematics can be sourced to two verses Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. In Genesis we received the blueprint for the 3/7 fractal in the factors of the first verse 37x73. In John 1:1 we find the greatest proponent for the fractal in the 'Word' for 'The Word' or Logos whose number is 373, a concatenation or merging of 37 and 73.

The Logos Series and the new discoveries in the Latin translation of the verse expand our understanding exponentially. The Logos was a glimpse at a much larger puzzle (much-much-larger). It is but a single node in an infinite family of star-hex geometries. Although there is several infinities in this family, that does not necessarily mean that they totally correlate with known biblical mathematical quantities.

The vast majority of the values of the star-hex number family are much too large to connect to biblical values. Indeed there are so few in biblical range as to be deemed improbable. Nevertheless several have already emerged as powerful examples of how the star-hex geometry coordinates with biblical mathematics.

The first iteration of the Logos Series of sequences creates a first verse equation similar to the Nazareth Nesting Cubes, here however it is stars and hexagons, specifically 337 + (169 x 6) = 1351. Notice here how the two configurations match the formula for this first level iteration of the series.

n = 7

6(2n + 1)^2 + 1 = 1351 6(2n + 1)^2 = 1350

Another potent example can be found in the extended mathematics of the first verse, in a yet unpublished study of the tetrahedrons of Genesis 1:1. Here by projecting the triangle of Genesis (T-73 or 2701) into the 3rd dimension we produce a tetrahedron — a triangular pyramid. The first is of note due to its factors where we find the English name and number Jesus Christ-925:

If we grow this tetrahedron according to its natural geometry we find another amazing result. Here now Tt-73 becomes the four corners of the next larger iteration Tt.-147 (540,274).

Read more about these shapes in the Jesus Pyramid

Tt-73 x 4 = 270,100

Oct-74 = 270,174

270,100 + 270,174 = 540,274

298 x 1813 = 540,274

The first word 'Bereshith' or 'In the beginning' is contained within the four hexagons.

This of course means that the first verse contains a recursive fractal where Genesis 1:1 Hebrew ordinal = 298 and 1813 = the Latin perimeter of Genesis 1:1, itself a composite star-hex geometry.

The star number 337, which forms the basis for the 373 composite star-hex, is itself a star-hex composite configuration. Similarly, the important Star-541, the sum of the Hebrew word for Israel is also a star-hex cluster. The number of units in the gray hexes come to 294, the sum of Lord Jesus Christ in Greek ordinal.

The number 541 is the number for Israel, while the capital of Israel (recently recognized by the USA) is of course Jerusalem whose star-hex configuration matches that of the ordinal first verse but now with stars of 73 and hexes of 37.

Many verses and passages reflect these same patterns:

Exodus 24:16 = 4050

And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days:

and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.

Star-hex Ring (337 x 6) + (169 x 12) = 4050

Hebrews 5:10 = 6498

Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchizedek.

Star-hex Ring (541 x 6) + (271 x 12) = 6498

Romans 5:2 = 11,370

By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand,

and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Star-hex Double-Ring (541 x 12) + (271 x 18) = 11,370

Certain star-numbers can oscillate between being a star proper and a Star-hex composite configuration, by borrowing rays (the triangular appendages). Using the formula for the star-hex configuration below: 12[49*(n*(n+1)/2)+6] + 1 or 12 x (A061792) + 1; we produce a new number series to math and science, which is twelve times every 7th triangle and reproduces every 7th star number. This is all too appropriate for a mathematical star that represents the Commandment to keep the 7th (Sabbath) day holy.

The total number of the twenty-five minor stars is 925 counters, the exact sum of Jesus Christ in English. And thanks to Bill Downey who informed me that the corresponding sum of 912 adds up to a perfect 'The Lord Jesus' also in English.


Other configurations known to biblical mathematics can also produce quantifiable formula:


The above formation is a discovery of Bill Downey ( who calls them: Christ's Snowflakes.

Using the above formula we find that the 37th such iteration is equal to the very theologically meaningful Genesis 3:23, the expulsion of man from the Garden of Eden:

5(12n + 11)

5(12*37 + 11) = 2275

Genesis 3:23 = 2275

Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden,

to till the ground from whence he was taken.

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© Copyright 2020, All rights reserved, John Elias

There is one glory of the sun,

and another glory of the moon,

and another glory of the stars:

for one star differeth from

another star in glory.

—1Corinthians 15:41