John 1:1

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JOHN 1:1

Adding the name Jesus Christ (in biblical Hebrew) to John 1:1 creates this star of stars:

13 x 337 = 4381

Since Yahoshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah in biblically correct Hebrew) is a multiple of 13, its math coordinates with the math of John 1:1 and hence divides evenly among the 13 stars. Each star has then exactly 58 which is the ordinal sum of the name Jesus with the same Hebrew spelling. This pattern can be represented in a number of ways on the star, the one pictured is that of the Three Seven Code where the name of Jesus is the sum of 32 + 72

This is also the 13th Stella Octangula, the three dimensional projection of a Star of David:

As well as being the 20th sum of nine powers of seven: 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 37+ 37 = 4381


37 + (7 x 17) + 37

One of the cornerstones of biblical mathematics is the relationship between Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. The mathematical coordination between these two disparate verses, verses separated by language, culture and centuries of time, is both scientifically profound and theologically powerful. Both verses share the same language (In the beginning) and the latter expands upon the former, both theologically and mathematically as well.

A new configuration of this verse has emerged based on the formula 98n + 1. Using this formula and plugging in 37 for n, we get the sum of John 1:1. Because 98 has a very specific geometry we can expand this series employing hollow cubes, with perfect three-dimensional symmetry indefinitely.

The human author of this gospel verse, introduces us to the concept of the Logos, the Word, which for the Evangelist John was none other than Jesus Christ in the flesh.

John 1:14

And the Word (Logos) was made flesh, and dwelt among us....

Jesus was and is the Logos.

The above animation displays the Three-Seven connection in John 1:1, here the sum 3627 being the result of equation 98n + 1 (A157947). The coefficient 98 appears to be purposely selected for its cubic qualities, namely that it is the 5th hollow cube (125 - 27 = 98). The central plus-one is not a footnote nor an imperfection, it is a reference to the most revered name in Judaism, the Lord's name, commonly referred to today as Yahweh. The empty spaces in the central +1 cube number 26 (27 - 1 = 26) the sum of the name Yahweh in Hebrew.

98n + 1

n = 37

98 x 37 + 1 = 3627

The most famous feature of John 1:1 is the sum of the primary subject of the verse, the Logos, which is an obvious numerical allusion to the factors of Genesis 1:1 (37x73) among many of its meanings. Its other famous feature is how it completes a triangle with that of the first verse. These two features alone, should be enough to convince a reasonable thinker that something very unusual is going on the mathematical subtext of the Bible.

ΛΟΓΟΣ = Logos = 373

John 1:1 = 3627

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Εν αρχηι ην ο Λογος και ο Λογος ην προς τον Θεον και Θεος ην ο Λογος

John 1:1 completes a larger triangle with Genesis 1:1

But what is the Logos?

Yes it is the incarnation of Christ, God in the flesh, but to John the word Logos had a special quality, a quality whose theology he was attempting to express to a world literate in the Greek language and culture. The word logos in Greek at the time had a plethora of meanings. Entire books have been written on just what this word meant to John and what it means to us today. Perhaps the best way to wrap up a universe of meaning in a conceptual nutshell is to know how historians use the word now.

To the historian Logos means 'Science.'

And what is science?

Ultimate, unalienable, eternal truth.*

* When the scientific method is properly administered, vetted, thoroughly examined by several years, at least, of the peer reviewed process and there were no mistakes in the process.

This makes the Logos, not only a synonym for the truth, but a signpost to the foundation of scientific truth, which is mathematics — an even more potent form of truth than science itself.

A quick glance at this correlating star within a star demonstrates that this configuration is not random.

What is so incredibly compelling about the above pattern of a star within a star, is that the highlighted star (the blue cubes) number thirteen and is featured once again in the very same equation:

98n + 1

98 x 13 + 1 = 1275

98 x 37 + 1 = 3627

That alone is more than enough evidence to show that this is not an arbitrary moment of chance, but if we ask what might be the next iteration, that is, the next larger star, we find something of a real surprise:

Three Iterations: Blue Star 13 cubes, White&Blue Star 37 cubes, Red,White and Blue Star 73 cubes.

The above configuration highlights two ages in the history of the Bible and is saying, that God is in absolute control of every detail down to the last letter of his Word, all through the ages, from Moses to Robert Estienne, versifier of the modern Bible.

Obviously, the connection between these two verses is not textual per se, nor obviously sub-textual. Indeed this connection (basically and plainly) is purely referential, i.e. based on the versification of the Bible, a feat more or less completed by one man (Estienne) nearly 1500 years later after the original composition of the Gospel of John. This then appears to be a double-miracle: a miracle in the composition of the original text, and a twin miracle in its referencing index.

As stated earlier, the connections between Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 are both profound and powerful and these connections appear again in a fundamental way. By removing the central 'One' and the front face of the hollow cube we find our friend and URL address in 37x73 = 2701 = Genesis 1:1.

This humble little grouping of empty cubes is ingenious in the way it smuggles in a vast array of important biblical identities. Ignoring the central inner cube, the 37 empty shells hold a six-fold pattern that gives both the number of Genesis 1:1 and its author whose power is obviously undiminished over time.

Each side of the configuration equals 925, the sum of the modern English name Jesus Christ, while at the same time the remainder renders the sum of the first verse, the very basis of biblical mathematics.

JESUS — 13³

One of the curious features of John 1:1 is its recurring relationship to the number 13. This has been noted by other authors, and the prime factors of the verse have an uncanny resemblance to the symmetry found in those of Genesis 1:1.

Genesis 1:1 = 37 x 73

John 1:1 = 3² x 13 x 31

We can also merge these factors to reveal another mirrored equation: 39 x 93 = 3627.

What's truly improbable and impossible to ignore is how this verse is programmed with the number 13, through a deep engineering of the Greek language and its world famous alphabet.

John 1:1 (Standard) = 13 x 279

John 1:1 (Spelled-In-Full) = 13 x 1700

John 1:1 (Spelled-In-Full-Ordinal) = 13 x 208

John 1:1 'In the beginning was the Word' (Spelled-In-Full) = 13 x 541

John 1:1 'And the word was with God and God was the word' (Spelled-In-Full) = 13 x 19 x 61

Genesis 1:1 Greek (Spelled-In-Full) = 13 x 1630

John 1:1 minus Genesis 1:1 = The Order of Melchizedek

22,100 - 21,190 = 910 (13 x 70)

When we take a good look at the number of this verse as a product of 13, something very interesting happens when we highlight the most 13-based number in all the Bible, that being the name Jesus of Nazareth in Greek, which is 13 cubed.

This is also a perfect match for the star of stars hidden in the opening phrase of the verse (in the Greek Alphabetical Value or spelled out in full, a numerical subset of the Greek Standard denomination).**

The Alphabetical Value* (or spelled-out-in-full) is truly the key to understanding the vast depth of the John 1:1 alphanumeric programming. And it's all based in the number 13, the first 'Star of David' number.

Looking more carefully at the initial except of 'In the beginning was the Word' we find an exceptional flourish of geometry.

*Besides Genesis 1:1, every detail of the construction of John 1:1 has been laboriously and meticulously combed through for decades for further sign of purposeful pattern. But few today outside of the Greek speaking world know how to spell ancient Greek letters (nerdy fraternities notwithstanding). This website is dedicated exclusively to two numerical denominations of the ancient texts, the standard and the ordinal, the only two found in the text.

The Alphabetical Value or the spelled-out-in-full, might easily be confused with yet another numerical denomination. But it really isn't. What it is, is a subset of a given denomination. The standard and ordinal are, dare I say, numerical 'codes' of the Bible. There are many such codes and we could invent many more. But if you start employing too many codes the accusations of 'cherry-picking' will not only resound, they will be accurate.

So how do we know that the spelled-out-in-full is a subset and not a separate code in and of itself? Because every 'code' can be expanded with the spelled-out-in-full, but the reverse is Not the case. The spelled-out-in-full does not have any code of its own. Therefore it is a subset of a code.

** The logical link between the two denominations and their alphabetical subsets is as follows:

Any language that is historically alphanumeric (gematric) must have a standard denomination.

All languages (and formal signing systems) have an ordinal denomination, which is the proper order of their listing.

Therefore all historical alphanumeric languages must contain, at least, two denominations.

Some alphanumeric languages contain spelled references to their characters. Greek and Hebrew are two such languages. Any such language must thereby contain two subsets of the two required denominations.


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"The space of early Greek cosmology was structured by logos – resonant utterance or word."

"Logos is the formal cause of the kosmos and all things, responsible for their nature and configuration."

Marshall McLuhan