Employee Buy-in
Employee Buy in
Workplace behaviors come in a variety of ways. The focus is on how to trigger a change in behavior which results in an improvement or positive outcome. Behavior changes are sensitive in regards to an employees pride and work beliefs. The first level of behavioral modification stems from observed behaviors which may be inhibiting focus on work (external issues, work social interaction, work functions not clear) or derived from statistical data gathered over a specific time frame (ex. employees production results). Current behaviors for production are based out of training and from job role development. Behaviors are then built upon experience which creates work habits. These habits (good, bad, or indifferent) are the foundation of how and employee carries out their day.
In order to change any behavior, the employee must first understand the behavior (own it) and then from a coaching perspective explain and put a plan in place with the employee to change the behavior. Employee buy in is the best practice to follow on this, but sometimes depending on the circumstance it may require disciplinary action.
Putting a plan in place utilizing data and observation, then sharing it with the employee is a solid strategy to change a behavior over time. Depending on the type of behavior wishing to be corrected regulates the timeline set towards improvement/change.