Student Attendance Monitoring

The University and the Department expect all students to attend teaching sessions and engage with all aspects of learning on the Programme. More information about why the University monitors attendance is available here.

The Department expects all students to: 

We capture your attendance at the beginning of each compulsory timetabled teaching session using the iSheffield app. Follow these steps to ensure accurate attendance records:

Read more about recording your attendance through iSheffield

How to download and login iSheffield app:

iSheffield can be downloaded via Apple Store or Google Play. When logging in for the first time, you need to accept the terms of use, and you'll receive an email from ExLibris (the app developer) asking you to verify your email address.

*If you use a Huawei device or cannot download the iSheffield app, instead check that you can access the web browser version via a mobile device to check-in.

How to record your attendance:

What to do if you will be absent:

The Department may contact students who are repeatedly absent from teaching sessions and/or are not engaging with the learning to the standard required by the University.