Student Support Networks

SEDI Communi-Tea Café Drop In

The Communi-Tea Café drop in is a wellbeing space for students to drop in, have a free hot drink and talk to the SEDI team about available support. 

This will be running every Wednesday 1-2pm, starting from the 11th October. It will take place in View Room 4 (behind the View Deli counter in the SU building). 

Students from a variety of student communities are invited to the SEDI Café , including: care experienced students, estranged students, those with caring responsibilities, asylum seekers and refugees, BAME students, LGBT+ students, mature students, disabled students, student parents, and under 18s.


The University has information and guidance for specific student communities here

There is information about the wellbeing events run for some student groups hereYou can also use the Umii app to connect with other students at University - find out more here.

There is some more specific signposting for some student communities below: