301 Academic Study Skills Centre

The 301: Academic Study Skills Centre provides many resources, workshops and tutorials to enhance and develop your study skills.

This includes:

Skills Audit: Assess your learning needs and identify your strengths and priorities for further development by completing the Skills Audit

Level up your skills course: It is recommended that you complete the level up your skills course in advance of each new academic year to prepare for the next level of study and the transition in learning.

Study Skills: Access techniques and strategies for successful study skills including essay writing, critical thinking, reading and engagement in lecture and seminars and referencing.

Study skills workshops: Attend workshops delivered throughout the academic year to support you with academic writing, study techniques, assessment and exam skills.

1:1 tutorials: Book a 1:1 tutorial with a Study Skills Tutor for help with any aspect of your studies and learning.

Academic Skills Certificate: Reflect on your academic study skills development and gain recognition by completing the 301 Academic Skills Certificate