Assessments and Extenuating Circumstances

The Assessment Handbook available on Blackboard module pages provides detailed information of how to complete assessments in the Department. It is important to read this carefully at the start of each semester and throughout your studies as needed.

The Assessment Handbook also provides guidance on what action to take if you are unable to complete an assessment and/or submit academic work by the submission deadline. This includes:

● Promptly informing the Department of the circumstances that are impacting on your ability to engage with your academic studies and/or complete academic work

● Completing an Extenuating Circumstances Form

● Providing appropriate evidence as required

● Applying for a deadline extension (DEX), No Penalty (NP) to be applied for late submission or Not Assessed (NA), so that an assessment is submitted in the August resit period as a first attempt (mark not capped)

It is the responsibility of the student to provide details of Extenuating Circumstances. All requests are considered in line with the programme Regulations at the Department Student Exam Board at the end of each semester.