English Language Support

The English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) provides students with a range of free English Language and academic writing skills support. Watch the following video for more information about the support available from the ELTC here

By accessing this support, students can reflect on their language and academic writing skills, identify areas for development, and learn new strategies and techniques for academic writing.

ELTC support in the Department is tailored to the level of study and delivered by specialist English Language tutors via timetabled sessions embedded within specific modules and 1:1 support with assessment or dissertation writing.

1:1 Tutorials

The 1:1 tutorials offered by ELTC tutors can help you with any stage of the writing process in relation to your assignments or dissertation: organising your text, working on clarity and flow, paraphrasing and referencing, revising and editing, and much more. Although tutors can’t proofread your work, they can also work with you on how to do it effectively!


You can discuss any concerns with the tutor and get feedback, suggestions and recommended sources to help you improve your writing skills.

You can also visit the 301 Academic Skills Centre website as an alternative means of finding support.