Hangman Chapter 5

Don't Make Me (You Know)

Chapter 5-

The crowded town hall buzzed with a rare excitement. The railroad had decided to skip the small town of Sigrit, and news was as sparse as rain.

Mayor Junda was a middle aged man with long blond hair and an average build, many believed he was elected based on the peculiarity of his accent, being that his family had immigrated from South Eastern Klouve, the antiquated continent across the ocean. The kind eyed man took to the stand, prompting the crowd to quiet themselves in anticipation.

"Good efening," he began, "ladies and chentlemen, tonight we are felcoming a new member into our community."

Visibly, the men in the audience leaned forward in intrigue.

"For fery long, we haf' gone without an indifidual who could protect this good town, but now no longer. I welcome to the stand your new sheriff, Mr. Gallow."

Casting his arm aside, he motioned to the new sheriff, standing at his right, and left the front. Dressed in his black garb once again, Gallow walked boldly to face the townspeople. Bringing his fist up to his, he coughed, then stared out to a small sea of audience-members, each waiting eagerly for him to prove himself to them.

"Hello, misters and missuses, I hope you're all having a lovely evening tonight. I'd like to introduce myself." His words, calm and cool, cut through the silence of anticipation.

"I trust that those of you who haven't witnessed my skill with the gun have at least heard of it from someone. I want you each to know that I'm ready to make a commitment to this town." A sudden softness flickered in his eyes as he opened his mouth once more, "no place has taken me in so quickly as you have." In an instant, his face resolved back to his confident front.

"However, a promise is not all that I'm bringing you."

A quiet murmur of confusion overtook the town, broken once he produced a small vial from his jacket pocket.

"I am in possession of what can only be described as a miracle, and I'd like to give it to this town." Pulling a small knife from his other pocket, he unsheathed the blade, turning it so that it glistened in the light for the onlookers. Quite suddenly, he ran the knife across his hand, simultaneously drawing blood and gasps. The crimson liquid oozed from the wound, which he also held up, demonstrating for the audience. Setting the knife down, he grabbed the vial and unscrewed it, turning the glass so that a trickle of water spilled out on the injury. With a hissing sound and a faint wisp of smoke, the cut closed up within a matter of seconds.

The town, grasped in a vice of silence, abruptly burst into cheers and excitement. Men, women, and children shook eachother, trying to express their incredulity. Amongst them was one who did not cheer.

Mayor Junda returned to the stand beside Gallow, shaking his hand and congratulating him.

"Son, we'll meet tomorrow to discuss that- that miracle," he proclaimed with a fervor. Then, turning his attention back to the crowd, he announced, "People, people! I understand that there is a great amount of excitement about Mr. Gallow's gift to us tonight, trust me, it was a surprise to me as well! This gift will be negotiated by us within the week, so 'chust hold tight!"

The crowd filed out of the building, minds brimming with wonder. Basking in the afterglow of his newfound public approval, Gallow waited for a moment before following suit. Stepping out alone into the cool night air, the warm glow of the town hall illuminated his back, while the cold shimmering moonlight basked his face.

Standing against the wall adjacent the doors was a man clad in a white howie coat, with frizzled hair and a long face.

"Is something up?" Gallow inquired, not turning to face him.

With a quick step, the man broke from the wall and walked to the new sheriff's side.

"My name is Aeken Love, Mr...?" the man proclaimed.

"Gallows is fine; nice to meet you, Mr Love," he replied, extending his hand in a friendly gesture. Mr Love did not take the handshake.

"Listen here," he said in a brusque tone. "I don't like you coming into town peddling snake oil to us."

"Snake oil?" Gallow said incredulously. "This is the real deal!"

"Don't give me that!" he asserted.

"Look, do you have any cuts, any bruises, scrapes on you?"

"Yeah," he replied, rolling up his sleeve to reveal a scar on the back of his wrist. "What are you going to do about that?" he asked, aggressively.

Gallow one again produced the vial of water from his pocket and dripped some onto the scar tissue. In a matter of moments, the scar began to shrink, healing up before their very eyes. As the wound retreated, Love's eyes widened with a shock, a joy, and a fear.

"Kid," he began slowly. "Do you know what I do?"

"No, mister," Gallow's voice crept out with uncertainty.

"I'm the town doctor," the words crept out gravely.

"Well, that's great!" Gallow exclaimed, the tension in him suddenly releasing. "This is great news for everyone, I mean, we can start selling it to other towns and-"

"Kid," Love cut him off, more forcefully than before. "Do you understand what this means?"

Gallow paused once more, abruptly filled with doubt once more.

"That... we can make a lot of money?"

"It means I'm going to lose my job."

The words cut into Gallow like an icy knife.

"I... see..."

"If you really want to sell it to other people, then eventually there's no need for me or my clinic. After that, others are going to find out this thing's secret, and make it themselves; my profession will be phased out."

"Well, y-you don't know that for certain," the younger man tried to reason.

"I know what you're trying to do, here, and I don't like it at all. This town is a functioning ecosystem that I'm a part of, and you're going to wreck it."

"I don't mean to-"

"Look, I appreciate you becoming our sheriff and all, but if you want to take away my job and all the other doctors in this country, then I can't stand for you."

"Doctor Love, I'm sorry, but it's not my intent to cause any trouble with you."

"Doesn't matter what you meant, it's what you're doing."

A silence hung between them for some time, until Gallow broke it down.

"So, what do you want to do about it?"

Love's eyes filled with anger.

"I'm getting out of here, and this is going to come back to kill you."

"Is that a threat?"

"As much as yours," came the cold retort.

Another moment of silence.

"Very well, then," the new sheriff said, turning his back. "I'll show these people what I mean."

With a huff, Aeken Love stomped off, leaving Gallow to ponder what had just happened. He turned his eyes to the moon, and wondered.

"How much of this is for them, and how much is for me?"

Smirking, he turned his attention back to the ground and began walking towards the saloon, gripping the brim of his hat with two fingers.

"What am I saying? I'm just a greedy bastard anyway."