Mason De Angelis, '24

Perry, Katelyn. “A Graduation Cap and Tassel on a Blue Block.”, Unsplash, 12 May 2023, Accessed 16 May 2024.


Senior year fades a chapter closed, 

friends and laughter, days of gold, 

Farewell halls, where we grew 

New paths await, old fears withdrawn 

With courage found in lessons, we learned 

We step ahead, the page is turned

Benz, Andre. “Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash.” Timelapse Photography of Car Lights Photo – Free United States Image on Unsplash, 26 Nov. 2018, Accessed 26 Sept. 2023.


As I started the car the engine roared to life, tires spinning freely. The engine’s heart beating, rhythm of the drive.  To the open highways where eagles fly, each turns a promise, never looking back. We explore the world, our secrets shall we keep, with every mile, a story is told. 

The Great Barrier Reef

As I swim in the deep blue water,

I look and see the many glittering creatures with shimmering gills and fins,

An ecosystem both fragile and strong

A natural wonder, with beauty untold,

A legacy, for future generations, to hold.