March 2021

Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash

From the Editor

New year. First issue. We are glad to get the show on the road and publish another issue. Our theme is Flash. It might refer to flash fiction (short-short stories), or to something in each author's content.

Isaiah wrote an amazing story that takes us into the world of baseball. I wrote a story that dives into the world of Esports.

Overall, we were all excited to deliver our first issue of the year, and we're all excited to you show you what's in store for the future.

Signing off,

Evan Carrillo

Isaiah's work

“Ball four!” yelled the umpire. My teammate, Mason Tellers, walked to first base and received a fistbump from our first base coach for his at bat. That disciplined at bat, while advancing the runners to 2nd and 3rd, made my at bat all the more pressured ...

Evan's work

As you walk to the back of the stage, you think to yourself, “What a heartbreaker.” Your goal, within grasp, but yet again yanked from reach...

From the Archives

Editor's note: Fortunately, for this FLASH issue, we did not need to look far into the archives to discover that the 2008-2009 Creative Writing Club moderated by Mr. Ferrando "experimented with flash fiction." Here are two cheeky and unique short-short stories from Gabe Marx, Serra class of 2010. - Mr. V-K

Life in Ivory

Gabe Marx, '10

I was wheeled into this home in 1947. My genuine ivory keys, my mahogany frame, and my glossy finish that let children's fingers glide across my bulk like sheets of ice. The purchase of this house was a mark of extravagance and I myself was an equal measure of surplus and luxury ...