Time Shenanigans 

Time Shenanigans 

Todd was sitting on his couch one morning, eating his Cheerios(“It’s a honey of an O!”), when suddenly, a bright flash shined onto him. He looked left from where the flash was and saw a portal causing sparks to fly across the room.

Todd screamed, “MOM, COME HERE AND LOOK AT THIS!” As he looked into the portal, he saw something strange. He saw… himself? He was wearing some sort of armor, and behind him was a battle between two giant robots shaped like elephants. Todd 2 came out of the portal and gave Todd 1 a strange orb. 

“WHO IN SAM HILL ARE YOU!?” yelled Todd 1, scared and confused.

“No time to explain! Take the orb and run for your life! It is for the better of humanity.” Todd 2 answered to Todd 1 in a strangely calm manner. All Todd 1 did was scream in a confused manner, emitting his Cheeriosridden breath all over Todd 2.

“You have to run, now! They are gonna show up any second now.” Todd 2 said urgently yet calmly. Todd 1 got up from the couch, accidentally spilling his Cheeriosall over the carpet. As he ran for the door, a large boom came from outside, shattering the windows. Todd 1 went outside to look. It was an elephant robot.

“Not so fast, elephant boy!” yelled Todd 2, as he burst through the ceiling with his jetpack. Todd 1 almost fainted if it wasn’t for the second boom behind him. It was a second elephant robot. Todd 1 could hear jets flying over the area, alluding to the idea that there might be planes here. Oh yeah, and there were bombs being dropped in clusters everywhere. Todd looked around every corner of his eyes, seeing horrifying sites. He saw missiles explode, jets fall, and Mrs. Wilson’s house get launched into orbit by a cluster bomb. 

At that point, Todd 1 was pinching himself, trying to figure out if this was a dream or not. Sadly for Todd 1, the pinch hurt. As he was pinching himself, he was picked up by a drone with a high tech cage. It brought him upward into the sky. A door opened in the sky, and the drone went in. Apparently, this entire time, there was a cloaked starship over Todd’s home. The drone door opened, and he was greeted by two heavily armored soldiers. Their faces were covered, so he couldn’t see anything more than their eyes.

The soldiers brought Todd into a room with more portals. Todd looked at a portal that looked similar to the one Todd 2 came in. Then, a figure appeared inside. He stepped out. It was Todd 3.

Todd 1 gave up and laid down on the ground to die. Todd 3 went over and slapped his face harder than you could ever imagine. Todd 1 screamed out, “BRO, I AM TRYING TO DIE. STOP INTERRUPTING MY PROCESS!”

Todd 3 screamed back in his face, “I DIDN’T JUST FIGHT A GIANT ELEPHANT ROBOT FOR YOUR SORRY BUTT TO DIE! NOW PUT ON THAT ARMOR AND GET OUT THERE!” Todd 1 was forced into an armored suit, similar to that of Todd 2’s. As he got into the suit’s system, he could see past the masks of the soldiers. Can you figure out who was under the mask?

It was Todds 4 and 5. Todd 1 didn’t question it at this point. He walked into the room with the supreme Todd, (Todd 6). “Hello, young Todd,” said the Supreme Todd gently. “You have finally made it to the Toddestroyer.”

Todd 1 just stared at Supreme Todd, not even bothering to scream or speak.

Supreme Todd told Todd 1, “I see you are not talking. Do not worry, young Todd. I was like you at one point, eating my Cheerios on the couch watching Saturday morning cartoons. In fact, I am not just like you. I am you. You see, young Todd, I am the future version of you. This means that one day, you will be me. Every one of these Todds in this carrier are you right now, but each from a different point in time. You are everyone. In fact, I heard the same thing 20 years ago.”

Todd 1 finally decided to speak up, “Sir, how many… Todds, are there?”.

The Supreme Todd laughed. “Look for yourself.”

He was given a screen with a map of the destroyer and the location of every Todd in a suit. There were millions of dots. “Heh, and those are only the ones in suits.”

Todd 1 asked Supreme Todd, “Will I be every single one of those people at some point, sir?”

Supreme Todd laughed and told him, “Goodness, no! Those are mostly clones!” Supreme Todd stopped laughing, and put on a serious face. “Those clones are made from that orb that you have.” Supreme Todd picked up the orb. “This, young Todd, is a cloning device. If this cloning device were to fall into the wrong hands, chaos would ensue. The world would run dark, being invaded by the many clones. The person with the Orb would become the most powerful person in the world. That is why we keep it, young Todd. To not let it get into the wrong hands.”

Todd 1 just stared. He was confused. Todd 1 couldn’t comprehend that he, himself, was the man who got himself there. He couldn’t comprehend that all of these people are him in the future. He couldn’t comprehend the protection of the Orb. Todd 1 just couldn’t think. Supreme Todd noticed this, and said, “Hey, you’ll figure it out. I figured it out, so that means you will eventually figure it out.”

Supreme Todd then checked his watch. He took some steps back, with a worried look on his face. Suddenly, through the floor, an elephant robot bursted through! Supreme Todd and the robot fought for some time while Todd 1 just stared. The robot looked at the Orb in Todd 1’s hands. The robot then looked at Todd 1 for a couple seconds.

The robot then bounced up  and bolted straight towards Todd 1, who immediately thought of getting out of there. As if it was reading his mind, his armor formed a jetpack and Todd 1 burst through the roof, causing sparks everywhere! The elephant robot burst through the roof too, chasing him.

Todd landed and started using his 5th grade wrestling skills against the robot. He actually fought off the robot very well, too well… Oh, the suit gave his brain fighting abilities while he didn’t notice. Nice. Todd 1 was too busy fighting to be confused as he fought the robot elephant.




The robot elephant flew off the Toddestroyer and into the battlefield below. Todd 1 watched, and all he could think about were those Cheerios he never got to eat. He went down to the battlefield to look around for more Todds, when seemingly out of nowhere, thousands of robot elephants surrounded him. He had a sudden urge to press this button on his suit, a big red button that said, “SHOCKWAVE”.

Todd pressed the button. His armored feet grew into the ground, and his robot suit extended upwards until it crashed down into the ground, not damaging the suit, but the ground around it. The elephant robots flew up into the air and broke upon ground impact. There was a massive earthquake from the shockwave. The remaining houses around Todd collapsed like card towers. Even the two giant robot elephants started to fall down on each other. It looked as if they were fighting.

Out of nowhere, beside Todd, a portal started to form, causing a flash. Todd saw robot elephants coming from behind him, so he decided to give the Orb to someone inside the portal. He was too tired to scream, so he went inside and gave the Orb to the dude inside. 

The guy inside yelled, “WHO IN SAM HILL ARE YOU?!”

Todd responded, somewhat gently, “No time to explain! Take the orb and run for your life! It is for the better of humanity!” The guy just screamed, emitting a familiar smell onto Todd. Todd told the guy more urgently, “You have to run, now! They are gonna show up any second now!” The guy got up with the Orb and accidentally spilled his Cheerios all over the ground.

As the guy ran, there was a boom outside, shattering the windows. The guy went outside and stared in shock. This was all feeling so familiar… But then it hit Todd 1. That guy he gave the orb to was him, and that was the new Todd 1.

Todd knew what would happen if he didn’t do something about the elephant robot new Todd was looking at, so he said, “Not so fast, elephant boy!” Todd burst through the roof, heading straight for the elephant robot. Todd knew he would fight that elephant till the last man, or elephant. He knew, so Todd screamed, “BRING IT ON! GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT!” and rushed for the robot. He knew that the new Todd would be safe, so he felt somewhat happy fighting that elephant, knowing it would save the timeline from destruction.

To    be    continued …