October 2020 - The Scary Issue

From the Editor

The first issue of the 2020-2021 school year. The club is starting the year off right with a scary theme for this Halloween.

Isaiah and Elijah did a fantastic job of creating a unique story that is a great read. Each story is immersive and helps displays each writer's style in creating a majestic piece of writing. This is what the club is about! Mr. V-K also included a 1991 story from fellow Padre Frank Scholz for a drop of nostalgia. This story also follows this issue's theme and is a fantastic read. Maybe one day our stories will be read to future Padres decades ahead.

Signing off,

Evan Carrillo

Evan's work

... Saying Jebediah was spooked was an understatement--he was terrified. He paused for a second to think to himself, “Isn’t this how people die in the movies?” ...

Isaiah's work

I’d normally be at home either working on homework or watching TV, but my friends said that this Halloween party wasn’t going to be crazy or anything we could get in trouble for. Halloween’s got to be one of the worst holidays ever invented. Why do you have some random strangers coming up to your door asking for candy? I also never understood dressing up as a kid. I mean, come on, would you really want to wear a donkey suit at 5 years old? Even though my friends and other high school students always go to these Halloween parties, at 15 years old I try not to. You know that when people start to form a conga line in somebody’s house that the party will get crazy. At least that's what I’ve heard.

My name is Miles Cooper, by the way. Sorry, but this stupid party and its conga line made me forget to introduce myself. ...

Elijah's work

"Congratulations, idiot! Look what you gotten ourselves into!" I said. It seems that we pesky teenagers had got ourselves into a horrible predicament. As we hide ourselves among the old gravestones, there's a weird-looking guy in a black hood WITH A KNIFE FILLED WITH BLOOD that seems like he wants to tear our every limb from our bodies! ...

From the Archives

Editor's note: For our Scary Issue, I'm delighted to share a short story from Frank Scholz, Serra class of 1991, that appeared in the 1991 issue of 451 Press. Young Mr. Scholz does a great job of creating tension, foreshadowing, bringing readers along for a ride of emotional highs and lows in a very compact story, and wrapping it all up with a final touch of terror mixed with a healthy dollop of irony. - Mr. V-K


Frank Scholz, '91

Robert Kerso heaved the yellow life raft into the water. Then he picked up the items he had gathered and threw them into the dinghy all at once. Rob took one last look around and then jumped into the water. He quickly swam to the small rubber raft and lifted himself inside, just in time to see his burning sailboat totally submerge itself into the vast Pacific. ...

... Rob was no longer hungry, he was afraid.