February 2023

From the Editor

The long-awaited issue has come at last. We are extremely happy to be getting another issue out and still have lots left in the tank. This time, we have five total writers contributing to this publication, which is the most for any given online issue ever! 

We didn't work with any specific theme on this publication, so it's a pretty mixed bag. We hope you enjoy it!

Until next time,

Evan Carrillo

Evan's work

...With my unfulfilled and ravenous desires emitting through each breath I took, I scurried gracefully across the kitchen floor, not even leaving a trace of my existence...

Isaiah's work

New Year's Eve

How loud the crowd was, ...

André's work

Soup is one of those foods that is, in many cases, painfully mediocre. When you hear the word “soup,” you probably think of a pitiful, light broth from a can—but soup can be so much more. Soup is like a blank canvas; it is merely a unique medium that can be infused with endless flavor—many factors go into making great soup. ...

Mason's work

The Great Barrier Reef

As I swim in the deep blue water, ...

Enzo's work

A Blink of War

I wake up as the sunlight through my window stings my eyes. I hear lots of banging and yelling in the hallways. That’s strange. Is there a fire or something?! I stand up and walk over to my window and freeze in terror....

From the Archives

Editor's note:  This one's from the archives of the world ... I usually post student work from earlier 451 Press publications, but this tweet from actor Michael Warburton introduced me to a brilliant letter from author Kurt Vonnegut to some students in NYC back in 2006.  I hope that you might delight in it as much as I have.     - Mr. V.-K.