
In 1983, student editors Jeff Philliber and Mike Kennedy invited and challenged readers of the newly established 451 Press magazine to "experience our ideas, our poetry, our non-fictional accounts and our rhetorical exhibitions."  (See their "Editor's Note" in its entirety to the right.  It's worth a read!)  Jeff and Mike truly set the stage for the publication of decades more writing and artwork from Serra Padres. 

The publication began as a compilation of student work from Mr. Jubb's, Mr. Sullivan's and Mr. Stark's Creative Writing classes (which included female students from Notre Dame and Mercy-Burlingame,) but it also included works from the student body in general.  The Zoph Library archives has print issues of 451 Press ranging from 1983-2002.  It's a fascinating and very entertaining collection!  The digital creative energy that we see in today's Padres certainly had its foundations and is certainly matched by what came from the pens, pencils and typewriters of yesterday's Serra men and tri-school women.

In 2018, 451 Press was reimagined for the digital age by Serra's Creative Writing Club-- a project you are now reading.  We can only hope to keep Serra's literary creativity alive in this format for as long as it held forth on paper.  Thanks for visiting our site, and happy reading!

Mr. Vallez-Kelly

LibrarianSerra Creative Writing Club moderator
451 Press (1983) - Editor's Note, pg 1.pdf