Chapter 2

Chapter 2, College Jog

Tommy Santos: Sept. 4, 2023

The alarm goes off at 6 am, and I wake up. I’m pretty tired but I have to wake up early for this stupid morning jog. Today is the first day of college, so I couldn’t jog at the normal 8 am as I normally do. I put on my glasses and jogging clothes and start to head over to Golden Gate Park, which is pretty close to the college. I usually like to listen to some of that nerdy rock music, you know those bands that are so geeky and corny that people would probably distance themselves from you if you play it in front of them. It’s a pretty nice morning, unlike the times when it's freezing due to the wind or wet due to the winter rain. While jogging, I see a pretty familiar face from a couple of weeks ago, the girl with the band-aid over her nose bridge. I wonder why she wears a band-aid anyways, but I think it fits with the freckles that scatter her face like water droplets. Although, I think I should focus on myself and college first before looking out for others.

Anyways, I’m Tommy Santos; Tommy is just a nickname for Tomás. I’m from the East Bay, so I’m not really that used to San Francisco or the Peninsula that much. Growing up, I lived with my mom, dad, abuela, and my brother Floro. Floro is probably the closest friend I have, although he can be a little sarcastic at times he still cares for me and does have moments where he’s a mentor figure. I don’t see them that much since they still live in San Leandro-a pretty far drive from here. Luckily due to my computer knowledge, I was given a pretty good scholarship in San Francisco; so I accepted to go there. I’ve always been obsessed with those kinds of things, like a kid on Halloween night. Though my music is interrupted by the sound of my ringtone, I think I know who’s calling me.

“Yo… What’s up?” Flann says. He's my best friend.

“I’m good, you’re clearly just woken up, haven't you?” I tell him, quietly chuckling. 

“Yeah, we'll see you on campus.” Flann replies, before hanging up. I’ve known him for a while and he understands and accepts my dorky interests. He’s the one who’ll stand up to me to the rest of the friend group, he’s truly a wonderful friend. Anyways, I return to the campus and change into the blue sweater, button up, and slacks; our school uniform. I hear a lot of people hate it, but it’s basically what I wear anyways so it doesn’t really affect me that much. I walked over to the science wing, as one the periods I chose was AP Biology. I enter the room and sit down, there’s a few other students and the professor in the classroom. I like to be early cause I’ll probably get too shy to get that look from everyone else from the class. I start to see a diverse range of classmates trickle into the classroom. Then I see her, the girl from the tech presentation and from the jog from earlier today. After a few more minutes, the roll call starts.

“Good morning class, I’m Mr. Metz; as you probably know.” He says in a charismatic voice, he’s a pretty popular teacher here on the campus due to this engaging way of teaching. He starts to say role call, and I start to hear the names of the students in the class.

“Sultan Pololáník?” Mr. Metz says.

“Present.” He says. Then I hear out the next name, and it finally answers a question I’ve been wondering about.

“Bex Pop?” Mr. Metz yells out.

“Present!” She says, finally I at least know her name. I don’t know if that’s her actual name or just a nickname, but I can make do. Now I just need to sit through this class, and then I can finally tell Flann the news.

Tommy Santos: Sept. 5, 2023

I head over to Flann’s dorm, he invited me to go just for some homework help. I enter the elevator and head to the 5th floor, and I head towards his dorm number. I text him saying I’m outside and he opens it. We do our bro handshake and he greets me.

“Hey man! What’s up?” Flann tells me.

“I’m good, Can I talk to you about something?” I asked him.

“Yeah, it can be about anything!” He says.

I enter his dorm and I head to the couch, there are two other rooms for other students, though I don’t really know them. I wait for him to finish serving one of those microwavable meals and he sits next to me.

“So, what is the thing you wanted to talk to me about?” Flann asks me.

“You know Bex Pop right, share any classes with her?” I tell him.

“I’m pretty sure she’s in my writing class.” He says, with a long pause he leans over to me and he has a smug expression on his face, “Don’t you love her?”

I get pretty flustered, only managing to mumble out, “Yeah…” 

“Ah, why don’t you ask her?” Flann tells me.

“It’s not that simple, you know I get shy doing those things, Flann.” I reply to him, before I add, “Or maybe it is… She did show some interest in me that one time.”

“So, we just have to wait and see.” Flann says, in between bites of his meal.

I wonder, does Bex even really like me? Or am I just another nerd she could target? I mean I did see her look at me and turn back in the way I’ve seen in those cheesy rom coms I watch when I’m bored at night. Then, I hear a knock at the door; I’m pretty sure it’s Flann roommates. Flann, almost done with his TV dinner, opens the door and he starts to greet his roommates. Then he brings his friends over to me, the thing I hope Flann wouldn’t do. His roommates give their hand to me for a handshake, I return it then they greet me.

“Hey man! You’re Tommy right?” They tell me.

“Y-Yeah… That’s m-me.” I replied to them.

“Ah man, Flann said you’re a cool guy!” One of them says to me.

“A-Ah… T-Thanks…” I say.

They continue to chat with me, and I do manage to open up with them after a bit. These roommates Flann has seemed kind of cool, at least better compared to the party animals of my roommates. Well, I hope someday I can interact with Bex; cause I’ll probably be too shy to do it myself. Well, I just need to get lucky and sleep well at night.