October 2021 Tricks & Treats

From the Editor

The first issue of the 2021-2022 school year. Everyone is excited to be back on campus and interacting with real people, again! Life is moving really fast, but everyone is just trying to enjoy it to the best of their ability. That is all you can do.

Isaiah wrote a sequel to his Halloween story from last year. His new story gives the reader an adrenaline rush that further indicates his development as a young writer. I wrote a story detailing the potential, but not very likely, dangers of a corn maze. André wrote an amazingly detailed memoir that questions the meaning of Halloween. This is André's first time writing for the club, but he is a very promising writer! It will be awesome to see how he continues to develop over the course of time.

We are all really happy to be starting a new year of publishing issues. Who knows what this year may have in store for us.

Until next time,

Evan Carrillo

Evan's work

...It was just the maze and myself. The chaotic sounds of the fair died down in the background. The wind rustled the corn. It was as if it was calling to me. Despite my self-doubts about entering the maze, I felt my left foot step forward...

Isaiah's work

...Almost everyone had run out of the house, but I didn’t see Andrew or Owen, so I ran to the house and nervously entered through the front door to try to find my friends...

André's work

...I don’t understand,

I fear my own confusion.

I take one last puff of my cigarette and watch as the remaining embers suffocate into ash...

From the Archives

Editor's note: This short poem from Ken Saba, '87 in the 1987 issue of 451 Press makes one wonder about the real differences between perception and reality -- which is actually more real? - Mr. V.-K.

The Teacher

Ken Saba

The door creaked open,

a disfigured human appeared, ...