October 2022 Our Worst Fears

From the Editor

The first issue of the 2022-2023 school year! The club is happy to be back at school. Things have changed since the past year, but we have some sort of normalcy now.

Isaiah continues to add to his Halloween series where he further taps into his potential as a writer and demonstrates his storytelling abilities through the use of dialogue and humor. I wrote a psychological horror short story that ponders what's worse: the internal or external crises of life.

We are glad to be able to publish again. It's going to be a good year.

Until next time,

Evan Carrillo

Evan's work

...I screamed and screamed and screamed in silence praying for someone in my family to hear me and save me. But it was useless...

Isaiah's work

...All the energy I could muster I used, as the fog continued its destructive path, consuming anything in its way, even the town hall. People were disappearing one by one and in such a swift manner. My cold breath continued to huff and puff as I tried to find someone or something that could help me...

From the Archives

Editor's note: There's a touch of brilliance in this story. You will see it, dear reader. And keep in mind this issue's theme. It all comes together. - Mr. V.-K.


Paul Cranson, '92

"Billy, do you know what time it is? It's 9:30. You had better get your seven year old butt to sleep, or I'm telling your mom you were a bad boy tonight!" Brenda said, scolding.

"But Brenda, I get scared at night. I always hear weird noises and can't sleep," retorted Billy.