Hangman Chapter 4

The Space Between Distances

Chapter 4-

"The Garden of...?" Gallow's voice beckoned timidly .

"This place exists outside of your understanding of time and place," the Spirit said dreamily.

"Then you mean this place is inside that... tree?" Janna asked with a voice on the verge of trembling.

"'Inside' is not quite appropriate, but you might make sense of it that way, the woman replied.

Gallow looked about at the Garden. Lush greens proliferated the Earth, massive trees held up the speckled blue sky. Embedded within the heavens were stars, or what appeared to be brilliant jewels, which reflected light from a sun which could not be seen.

"How do I get out of here?" he asked bluntly.

"You'd like to leave so soon after finding this place?" the water spirit questioned.

"There's a fire in the town that I'm responsible for, I need to take some of this water there, too; that would help a lot, mind you."

Janna was taken aback by his words. This was the first garden her eyes had ever taken in; in a realm of such serenity, away from the evils of a corrupt and arid world, who would leave a place like this?

"Very well, I will allow you to return."

"Allow?" Gallow challenged. "You aren't going to 'allow' me anywhere, show me the door, I'm the navigator of this ship, I come and go as I please!" His voice had taken on a raucous tone as he professed his creed.

"Mister..." Janna pleaded softly, afraid of the repercussions of such a voice.

The Spirit looked on at the two mortals with a gentle expression. "The door to this Garden can be found by following that Sigil on your hand."

Gallow peered at the back of his right hand, the four corners of the diamond seemed to stretch out to the ends of the Earth.

"And how do I take some of this water back?" he asked.

"Do not fret, I will supply you with everything you need," came her calming voice.

For a moment he looked about, his gaze falling to Janna. The young girl was admiring the scenery about her with the same sentimentality of seeing a friend before they leave for war.

"Do you wanna come back with me? Your dad's probably worried sick."

Janna looked around at the beautiful rapture about her, pausing for a moment.

"Yes, it's best I see him again."

The young man took her hand in his, the sigil began to tingle, guiding his eyes to the right behind them. He turned, Janna keeping lock step with him, and stepped forward into the infinite space between distances.

"I promise, I'll come back to this place."

Their feet hit the ground, the blistering sun beat down on them once more. From the house, Janna's father had finally caught up with them.

"Janna, what the hell do you think you're doing?! And you, young man-" his voice cut off as he realized Gallow's body was extinguished. "Weren't you...?"

"Yeah, long story," the gunfighter finished. "Right now, we have to help put out that fire-"

It was his turn to be cut off, as with a sudden stroke, thunder blasted down from the heavens. In an instant, rain began to pour down from the skies.

"When did those clouds get here? It was clear a moment ago!" the older man exclaimed, befuddled.

All the townspeople feverishly working to defeat the flames suddenly stopped and turned their eyes to the sky above, ensnared by a peculiar fascination. For some reason none of them could place, this was a special moment.

With a sudden awareness, Janna turned her head to the horizon.

"Say, what time was it?"

The other two followed her gaze and caught sight of the sun setting in the distance. The gorgeous tones of orange and purple caught the falling droplets of rain in a vice of the suspended instant. For a moment, none of them could speak, not understanding nature's will but accepting the gift it had presented them.

Janna closed her eyes.

"It hasn't rained here for a long time."

Once a minute had passed, Janna's father turned to Gallow and opened his mouth slowly. "Hello, young man, nice to meet you, my name is Eli, and you are?"

"My name is Gallow."

"Well," he said with a hearty smile, "what a gloomy name." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Say, you're a pretty good shot, are you?"

"I'd like to say I am," came the response.

"Then what would you say, perchance," Eli started slowly, "taking up the role of our sheriff?"

"Sheriff?" Gallow asked incredulously.

"If you don't want to, I understand; it's just that our town has been under so much danger recently with the Southern raids coming around and-"

"I'll do it," the young man said suddenly.

"You will??"

"Where do I sign up?"

In truth, and as he would attest, Gallow did not take up the position of Sheriff for the good of the people, in fact he felt they would be safer if he had left them. His true motive lay somewhere in the cynical heart of the misfit he was at his core.


The night air had a feeling of relief, like the Saturday after a hellish week. The previous day's fire had burned much property, but in the aftermath of that miraculous rain had come a universal air of calm and cool. The town hall was packed with townspeople, clamoring to hear the momentous news promised to them through the grapevine.

The chatter in the building subsided as a middle-aged man with long blond hair assumed the podium. Mayor Junda was a stern man of an immigrant family from Klouve, the Antiquated Continent. His values were steeped in that tradition, and following them meant that business hours were exclusively for business.

"Ladies and Chentlemen," his accent pervading his speech, "I fould like to felcome a special new guest in town, though he fill not be just a guest for much longer." His right arm stretched out to beckon Gallow, standing at his side, dressed once ore in his black garb.

"I fould like to introduce you to our new Sheriff, Mr. Gallow!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement. This strange new man, their Sheriff? He wasn't from these parts, he had just appeared a few days ago, and now...?

Junda courteously stepped down from the stand to allow Gallow to take his place. Adjusting his hat, he began.

"Hello, misters and misseses of Sigrit, I am, eh, I'm honored to be your new Sheriff. Now, I will admit, I'm not the most spotless person you'll ever meet, but I'm going to take this opportunity seriously. I can promise each and every one of you that I will protect this town to the ends of my life, I'm the fastest gun out here, and I'll prove it to any villain who tries to start trouble here."

His voice had a showy bravado that enthralled the average listener, he was a step away from removing his hat and performing magic tricks for the audience. The crowd likewise looked on with a cautious intrigue for this unfamiliar young man, upon whose face crept a small newfound smile.

"Now, while I can't guarantee a spotless record, what I can guarantee you all is something that'll change your lives. It's something that'll revolutionize this town, and maybe change the world."

The citizens were suddenly captivated by his speech, now taking on a grandiosity as each and every word was delivered with the magnitude and weight of a king's address.

"What I'd like to introduce to you is something that will cure your worries and set you at ease, and no, it's not alcohol." His smirk broke out into a charming grin as the words left his mouth.

"I'd like to bring to you, a miracle water."