Mary Burns


Mary Burns has been an instructor with San Diego Continuing Education (SDCE) since 1987. She holds a Master’s degree in Exercise Science and a Master’s degree in Educational Technology. She has been teaching online since 2007, and was one of the original online instructors at SDCE. She has developed curriculum for multiple subjects, including Health, Communicating with Technology and Brain Fitness. She has created websites using a variety of platforms (Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas and Google Sites). She enjoys learning and teaching about technology, and provides classes for older adults in the community. Besides teaching, she is the technology Assistant Program Chair at SDCE, focusing on meeting the technology needs of faculty, and the training and support of online instructors. Besides technology, she enjoys running, working in the yard, walking the dog and spending time with her husband, Kim.

Classes Fall 2021:

Communicating with Technology: Topics

Communicating with Technology: Devices: iPad, Android, Windows 10 and Mac Computer

Brain Fitness