About Us and Contact information

About us

This website has been created for Emeritus students who are taking classes through San Diego College of Continuing Education (formerly San Diego Continuing Education).  Continuing Education is one of four colleges within the San Diego Community College District.  The colleges are:

Within San Diego Continuing Education, there are seven campuses scattered through San Diego City.  They include:

To find locations and more information about the campuses, you can visit the page on the SDCCE website.  You can also read more about the history and foundation of San Diego Continuing College of Education.  

Academic areas of San Diego College of Continuing Education

SDCCE is comprised of 16 academic areas.  Emeritus is one of these areas, and is designed for students over the age of 55 (although it does accept students younger than 55).  You can view all of the academic areas and see what courses are available by visiting the page on the SDCCE website.  

Contact information

Emeritus Leadership: (Click on the name to contact them) 

Dr. Jacqueline Hester, (jhester@sdccd.edu) Dean

Dr. Claudia Tornsaufer, (cltornsa@sdccd.edu) Program chair

Assistant Program Chairs: (APC)

Mary Burns,  (mburns@sdccd.edu) (also contact with questions about website)

Charlene (Char) Schade (cschade.sdccd.edu)

Helena Wei (hwei@sdccd.edu )

Other Websites: 

SDCCE website:  https://sdcce.edu/

Canvas website:  http://sdccd.instructure.com/

Instructor emails

Meagan Albrant - malbrant@sdccd.edu

Richard Almanza - ralmanza@sdccd.edu

Esteban Alvarado - ealvarad@sdccd.edu

Kara Anderson - klanders@sdccd.edu

Julie Bale - jbale@sdccd.edu

Mary Burns - mburns@sdccd.edu

Linda Cohen - lcohen@sdccd.edu

Renee Corwin - rcorwin@sdccd.edu

Nick Costa - ncosta@sdccd.edu

David Cox - dcox@sdccd.edu

Patricia Cox - pcox@sdccd.edu

Luke Crane - lcrane@sdccd.edu

Stevan Dupus - sdupus@sdccd.edu

Donna Eckstein - deckstei@sdccd.edu

Ron Franklin - rfranklin@sdccd.edu

Erik Garriott - egarriott@sdccd.edu

Tara Gilboy - tgilboy@sdccd.edu

Renee Gregorio - rgregorio@sdccd.edu

Sharon Gregory - sgregory001@sdccd.edu

Marketa Hancova - mhancova@sdccd.edu

Lorea Herald - lherald@sdccd.edu

Sharon Hinckley - shinckley@sdccd.edu

Michiyo Kirkpatrick - mkirkpatrick@sdccd.edu

Pamela Kozminska - pkozmins@sdccd.edu

Pey-Lih Littler - plittler@sdccd.edu

Yael Lorberfeld - ylorberfeld@sdccd.edu

Iris Lowe - ilowe@sdccd.edu

Patrick Mason - pmason@sdccd.edu

Kathy McIntyre - kmcintyre@sdccd.edu

Ardith Melzer - amelzer@sdccd.edu

Emily Nye - enye@sdccd.edu

Barbara Peterson - bpeterso@sdccd.edu

Carol Philips - cphillips@sdccd.edu

Momilani Ramstrum - mramstru@sdccd.edu

Holly Ritter - hritter@sdccd.edu

Nicola Salmon - nsalmon@sdccd.edu

Tatsuko Sandin - tsandin@sdccd.edu

Char Schade - cschade@sdccd.edu

Jean Scott - jmscott@sdccd.edu

Stewart Simon - ssimon@sdccd.edu

Mindy Sloan - msloan@sdccd.edu

Suzanne Swersky - sswersky@sdccd.edu

Mitsuko Takeya - mtakeya@sdccd.edu

Claudia Tornsaufer - cltornsa@sdccd.edu

James Trepasso - jtrepass@sdccd.edu

Barbara Ward - bward@sdccd.edu

Helena Wei - hwei@sdccd.edu

Bridget Wright - bwright001@sdccd.edu

Harvey Zeytuntsyan - hzeytuntsyan@sdccd.edu