Law and the Retiree

Overview:  Law and the Retiree


Harvey Zeytuntsyan, J.D.

Enrollment Guide - LAWS 510 - Spring 2023 - Law and the Retiree.pdf

Short 3 minute video on Law and the Retiree

More information on the two classes

Law & the Retiree Classes (Spring 2023):  

1. Legal Overview Topics 

2. Consumer Protection Topics 

Overview of Course 

Whether retired or planning to retire, the Law & the Retiree (LAWS 510) course provides students with an understandable overview of useful legal topics in areas such as health care and insurance, housing, retirement, and more. Students can use this knowledge to better communicate with public agencies or personal representatives (e.g., their lawyer, doctor, legal aid etc.)  

Two classes topics are offered under Laws 510, including a class focused on Consumer Protection topics and another on Legal Overview topics. Each class includes its own unique, weekly current event discussion. Students also get access to unique Canvas class pages for each topic with useful information, resources, and additional readings.  

Class flyers

Legal topics overview.pdf
Law and the Retiree.pdf