Where are the School Leadership Team meetings held?

School Leadership Team meetings are held in person, at JHS 218, 370 Fountain Ave in the auditorium. 

The SLT meeting schedule is as follows:   
September 27, 2023 @ 4:30 PM

October 27, 2023 @  4:30 PM

November 30, 2023 @4:30 PM
December 15, 2023 @ 4:30 PM
January 19, 2024 @ 4:30 PM
February 28, 2024 @ 4:30 PM
March 23, 2024 @ 4:30 PM
April 27, 2024 @ 4:30 PM

May 11, 2024  @ 2:30 PM

May 18, 2024 @ 2:30 PM
May 25, 2024 @ 4:30 PM
June 15, 2024 @ 4:30 PM

Google Meet joining info

Video call link::  

What is a School Leadership Team?

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who develop educational policies for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies.


Who are the SLT members?

There are three members of the school community who must be members of the SLT:

The other members are elected parents and staff members. The SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff.

An SLT can also include students (a minimum of two students is required in high school SLTs) and representatives from community-based organizations (CBOs) that work with the school. Students and CBO representatives do not count when determining whether a team has an equal number of parents and staff. The exact composition of a school’s SLT is stated in the team’s bylaws.

What is the role of an SLT?

How many people are on an SLT?

An SLT should have a minimum of 10 members, and a maximum of 17 members. The exact number of members on a school’s SLT is stated in the team’s bylaws. Regardless of the total number, the SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff members.

How do SLTs make decisions?

SLTs must use consensus-based decision making. In this type of process, all participants contribute to and help shape the final decision. By listening closely to one another, members come up with solutions and proposals that work for the group.

This approach is empowering because each member has the opportunity to influence team decisions. When all members are able to voice their opinions and concerns, they are more likely to stay invested in and connected to the work of the team. This sets the stage for greater cooperation and mutual respect.

What laws and regulations govern SLTs?

New York State Education Law Section 2590-h requires every New York City Public School to have a School Leadership Team. In addition, Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 (CR A-655) establishes guidelines to ensure the formation of effective SLTs in every New York City public school.



Bylaws of the School Leadership Team:

Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4     Page 1 of 10


Bylaws of the School Leadership Team of JHS 218 James P. Sinnott Magnet School


October 20, 2021



Article I – School Leadership Team Mission Statement and Educational Vision


The mission of the School Leadership Team of JHS 218 is the mission at James P. Sinnott Magnet School for Health and Health Careers, JHS 218, is to empower our scholars to achieve academic, social, and emotional success through a safe and supportive, and innovative technology-based learning environment.


Article II – Team Composition


Section 1             Size of Team

The total number of members shall be 16.  The team shall maintain an equal number of parent and staff members, 8 from each constituency.


Section 2             Mandatory Members

The only three mandatory members of the SLT are the school’s principal, the Parent Association/Parent-Teacher Association (PA/PTA) President and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Chapter Leader. Mandatory members of the SLT may designate another member of their constituent group to serve in their stead.

1 In the case of co-presidents, the remaining PA/PTA officers shall determine which co-president will serve as the mandatory member of the SLT.


Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4     Page 2 of 10


Section 3             Members at Large

The remaining members of the team shall consist of:

·       8 elected parent members

·       7 elected UFT member(s)

·       1 elected DC 37 member(s)

·       1  community based organization members(s)


Section 4             Election of Team Members

Parent and staff SLT members must be elected by their own constituent group in a fair and unbiased manner determined by each constituent group. All elections must be advertised widely, with reasonable advance notice given. Elections must be open to all members of the constituent group and must be held in accordance with the term limits set forth in these bylaws.


Parent member elections must be scheduled after PA/PTA elections are held each spring. Parents must be provided a minimum of ten calendar day’s written notice prior to the election. The PA/PTA is encouraged to stagger the terms of the non-mandatory parent members of the SLT.


[High schools and other teams wishing to include student members must add: Student members will be selected by the student body and shall serve for a period of one year. Student team members will be included in the total number of team members, but will not be counted when determining the balance of parent and staff members.]




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Community based organizations may also serve on SLT’s. The SLT will create a process for the organizations to apply for membership. A member of the team may also recommend an organization for membership. This will be done on an annual basis. Community based organization members will be included in the total number of team members, but will not be counted when determining the balance of parent and staff members.


Elections held to fill vacancies due to resignation, cessation of member eligibility, or removal pursuant to Article  11 will be conducted by the appropriate constituent group prior to the next scheduled team meeting. Team members elected to fill vacancies shall be eligible to serve until the completion of that term.



Section 5             Chairperson/Co-Chairpersons

Selection Method - The Chairperson shall be selected by consensus of the team and shall serve for a period of 2 years. If the team opts to elect Co-Chairpersons, they will share the role of Chairperson as outlined in these bylaws. The election shall take place at the September meeting. Role - The Chairperson is responsible for scheduling meetings, ensuring that team members have the information necessary to guide their planning, and focusing the team on educational issues of importance to the school. The Chairperson ensures that voices of all team members are heard.



Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4 Page 4 of 10


Section 6             Additional Leadership Roles

Secretary – The secretary will be responsible for sending SLT meeting notices and for keeping the minutes of SLT meetings. Such minutes must be maintained at the school, with a copy provided to the PA/PTA. The school principal may designate an office staff member to assist the SLT secretary.

Facilitator – The Facilitator shall advise the Chairperson and other team members on matters of Parliamentary Procedure.

Financial Liaison – The Financial Liaison shall assume responsibility for documenting member participation for the purposes determining eligibility for the annual SLT remuneration. The Timekeeper ensures that all agenda items are discussed by monitoring the allotment of time afforded each item.

Selection Method – Additional leadership roles will be filled by consensus of the team at the December meeting and shall serve for a period of 2 years.


Section 7             Length of Term and Term Limits


Team members, with the exception of mandatory members, student members, and community based organization members, are elected for 2 year terms. However, all members must remain eligible to serve pursuant to Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 for the duration of their term.


Members may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms. However, if no other willing, eligible candidate is identified for a particular constituent group, a member may be elected for an additional term.


Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4 Page 5 of 10


Section 8             Responsibilities of School Leadership Team Members


Team members, including those additional roles outlined in these bylaws, are responsible for developing an annual school Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) that is aligned with the school-based budget for the ensuing school year. The school-based budget provides the fiscal parameters within which the SLT will develop the goals and objectives to meet the needs of students and the school’s educational program.


The SLT shall provide an annual assessment to the community, district or high school superintendent of the principal’s record of developing an effective shared decision-making relationship with the SLT members during the year.


The SLT will serve as the vehicle for consultation with parent representatives regarding federal reimbursable funding (e.g., Title I). The SLT will coordinate with other school committees such as the Parent Association/Parent Teacher Association and the Title I Committee to ensure that all school-wide committees are working toward the same goals set forth in the CEP.


Team members must work collaboratively by sharing their ideas and concerns and listening to the ideas and concerns of others; engaging in collaborative problem-solving and solution-seeking that will lead to consensus-based decisions.


Team members must communicate effectively with their constituent groups and share the views of their constituencies with the team.



Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4   Page 6 of 10


Article III – Team Meetings



Section 1             Schedule of Meetings


The School Leadership Team shall meet at least once a month during the school year. All meetings shall be shall be held on [Insert day of each month (i.e., first Thursday of every month)] from [start time] to [end time]. Additional meetings will be scheduled by the Chairperson as needed or upon request by the team members. Meetings will be scheduled at a time convenient for parent members on the team. Parent members will be polled each year to determine a convenient time for team meetings.


Members who miss more than two consecutive meetings without rendering in writing a good and valid excuse will be subject to removal from the team.


Section 2             Notice of Team Meetings


The School Leadership Team will establish a yearly calendar which shall be posted in the general office, front security desk, in the parent coordinator’s office and [Insert addition locations as needed (i.e., school website, SLT bulletin board, etc.)] at the beginning of each school year. The calendar shall be distributed at the first meeting of the parent association each school year. The Chairperson will sent meeting reminders one week prior to all meetings by school mailbox and backpack, postal mail, email, or telephone.



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Section 3             Meeting Attendance

School Leadership Team members are expected to attend all meetings. If team members are unable to attend the meeting, they must contact the Chairperson in advance of the meeting.

Section 4             Quorum

[Insert quorum number or a majority clause such as, “A majority of SLT members including representation from each constituent group” shall constitute a quorum. Each constituent group shall be responsible for ensuring that their group is adequately represented at each meeting.


Section 5             Order of Business

· Call to Order

· Reading and Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes

· Committee Reports

· Discussion of Unfinished Business Agenda Items

· Discussion of New Business Agenda Items

· Creation of Agenda for the Next Meeting

· Adjournment


Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4 Page 8 of 10


Article IV – Removal of a School Leadership Team Member

Section 1             Removal Process


Team members who fail to attend 3 consecutive meetings, fail to perform their roles and responsibilities as outlined in these bylaws, or behave in a manner that is disruptive and undermining to the work of the Team will be removed by consensus of the remaining team members. The School Leadership Team must have a quorum of members present and reach unanimous agreement when deciding to remove a member. The member shall be provided a written notice of the Team’s decision. The letter shall include the reason for the removal and the member’s right to appeal the decision. The letter shall be signed by the Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons and shall be sent by registered return receipt mail delivery to ensure proper notification and receipt.


Section 2             Filling a Vacancy


When a member resigns or is removed, the vacancy will be advertised to the appropriate constituent group and an election will be held in accordance with these bylaws.


Article V – Decision-Making

Section 1             [Consensus-based decision-making must be the primary means of making School Leadership Team decisions. Consensus should be defined as reaching an agreement acceptable to all members. The team should develop methods for engaging in collaborative problem-solving and solution seeking and, when necessary, effective conflict resolution strategies. The agreed upon procedures should be summarized here.]


Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4 Page 9 of 10

Article VI – Conflict Resolution


Section 1        Assistance from the District Leadership Team (DLT)


The School Leadership Team will seek assistance from the DLT or appropriate superintendent when members cannot reach agreement on an issue. Where team members have difficulty obtaining information or wish to obtain assistance in resolving issues relating to consultation with the school principal, they may seek assistance from the DLT or superintendent. If after receiving assistance from the DLT or superintendent, the Team still cannot reach agreement on the CEP, the principal will make the final determination.


Section 2        Assistance from the Office for Family Engagement and Advocacy (OFEA)

If the DLT or superintendent is unable to resolve such issues to the satisfaction of team members, team members may send a written request for assistance to the designated OFEA engagement staff



Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 Attachment No. 4 Page 10 of 10


Article VII – Bylaws Review and Amendment


The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the team, provided notice of any proposed changes has been given at a previous meeting. In addition, the bylaws will be reviewed annually, at the start of the school year to ensure that the document’s provisions meet the needs of the team and remain consistent with Chancellor’s Regulation A-655.


These bylaws were amended on October 20, 2021 and are on file in the principal’s office.





School Leadership Team Meeting

Thursday, January 19, 2023 @ 4:30 pm

Reunión del equipo de liderazgo escolar


jueves, 19 de enero de 2023 a las 16:30

1. Llamar al orden

2. Lectura de Minutas - Jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2022 @ 4:30 p.m.

3. Informe DC37

4. Informe del director

5. Informe de la Asociación de Padres y Maestros

6. Informe UFT

7. Objetivos del PAC

8. Viejos asuntos

9. Nuevo negocio

10. Mesa para la próxima reunión

11. Próxima reunión: jueves 16 de febrero de 2023 a las 4:30 p. m.

12. Clausura de la reunión



اجتماع فريق القيادة المدرسية

الخميس 19 يناير 2023 @ 4:30 مساءً

1. اتصل بالطلب

2. قراءة المحضر - الخميس 15 ديسمبر 2022 @ 4:30 مساءً.

3. تقرير DC37

4. التقرير الرئيسي

5. تقرير منطقة التجارة التفضيلية

6. تقرير UFT

7. أهداف CEP

8. الأعمال القديمة

9. عمل جديد

10. جدول الاجتماع القادم

11. الاجتماع القادم - الخميس 16 فبراير 2023 @ 4:30 مساءً

12. رفع ال



স্কুল লিডারশিপ টিম মিটিং

বৃহস্পতিবার, জানুয়ারী 19, 2023 @ 4:30 pm

1. অর্ডার করতে কল করুন

2. রিডিং অফ মিনিটস - বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর 15, 2022 @ 4:30 p.m.

3. DC37 রিপোর্ট

4. প্রধান প্রতিবেদন

5. পিটিএ রিপোর্ট

6. UFT রিপোর্ট

7. CEP লক্ষ্য

8. পুরাতন ব্যবসা

9. নতুন ব্যবসা

10. পরবর্তী সভার জন্য টেবিল

11. পরবর্তী মিটিং - বৃহস্পতিবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি 16, 2023 @ বিকাল 4:30pm

12. সভা মুলতবি


Reyinyon Ekip Lidèchip Lekòl la

Jedi 19 janvye 2023 @ 4:30 pm


1. Rele pou bay lòd

2. Lekti Pwosè yo - Jedi 15 Desanm 2022 @ 4:30 p.m.

3. Rapò DC37

4. Rapò Direktè a

5. Rapò PTA

6. Rapò UFT

7. Objektif CEP

8. Ansyen biznis

9. Nouvo biznis

10. Tablo pou Pwochen Reyinyon

11. Pwochen Reyinyon – Jedi 16 fevriye 2023 @ 4:30 pm

12. Ajounman reyinyon



School Leadership Team Meeting

Minutes for Wednesday, 12/15/2022 

DC37 ● They have negotiated for NYC union member to get up to 12 weeks of FMLA time 

 PTA Report - Will be coordinating with the beacon program for holiday show taking place 12/16/22 UFT Report 

● UFT is still under contract negotiations with the city- nothing has been finalized. 

● Next focus would be to amend the administrative code- trying to preserve health care costs for retirees, and preserve premium free health care for all members of UFT Principals Report Update on health and Biology lab:

 ● We want to ensure we have a cluster for students that are participating in our Health Program

 ● Dedicated space for Health Cluster & biology - this will allow us to showcase what our students are learning and working on Update on Aquaponics and Hydroponics lab: ● Beginning stages of construction 

● Piping just needs to be re-routed to create the aquaponics and hydroponics sprinkler system CEP GOALS- COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION PLAN School is required to develop some goals and steps to execute and accomplish those goals for the year 

● Supportive environment Framework goal- ○ Goal: Ensure students are feeling challenged in the class ○ Looking at scholars environmental survey- 53% student felt challenged academically ○ Hear the needs of teachers and students ○ Prepare to Survey students, and Teachers (Provide Professional development)

 ● Special Education: Quality IEPS- ○ Goal: is to Move another 5% students to a less restrictive environment

 ■ Major focus to ensure most students are moving up the continuum 

■ Providing space and identify those students that we feel will do much better in a less restrictive environment

 ● Math & ELA: ○ Goal: is to Increase our Students that are at or above average performance by 12% ○ This will be done over 3 trimesters of progress monitoring

 ● Chronic Absenteeism: ○ Goal: is weekly is to monitor student attendance team ○ Attendance Mentors to check in with students and parents ○ Attendance Mentors will help with any barriers students have getting to school Old Business & New Business Old Business: 

● No old Business New Business- Trying to increase attendance with incentives 

● Sneaker Ball is upcoming for perfect attendance 

● Awards ceremony upcoming in January 

● Movie Night will be happening for perfect attendance Next Meeting: 1/19/23 @ 4:30p