"Better than a thousand days of diligent study IS ONE DAY WITH A GREAT TEACHER." - Japanese Proverb

Our staff at Shiley Chisolm Park

Mr. Agbim

ELA Teacher /Debate Coach

All students are capable of learning and should be encouraged to think critically in an academically inspirational atmosphere,  immersed in a culture of mutual respect and unforced asynchronous academic rigor, where they can prepare for the road to college and the world of work through meaningful learning experiences and emerge with the ability to communicate soundly through the composition of  coherent expository prose,  and be knowledgeable of literary terms, poetic devices, sentence structure, and verb tense.

"What we think, we become."  -- Buddha 

Ms. Bell

Teacher/ U.F.T. Chapter Leader, J.HS.218 Alumni

It has been my honor to serve as an educator in the East New York community where I was raised. I strive to be the teacher I needed when I was a child. 

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest" ___Benjamin Franklin

Maestro / U.F.T. Líder de capítulo, ex-alumna de J.HS.218

Ha sido un honor para mí servir como educador en la comunidad del este de Nueva York, donde me crié. Me esfuerzo por ser la maestra que necesitaba cuando era niña.

Mr. Beytelman

Special Education Teacher

If you desire to make a difference, in the world , you must be different from the world. Elaine Dalton.

Ms. Caldwell

Ms. Crane

ELA Teacher, RTI Teacher  & Social Studies Teacher

By definition, an educator is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence a moral compass, and even virtue. I have a true passion for working with middle-school learners!!  Helping each child progress in all areas of their development—academic, social, and language is a challenge that I am honored to accept daily.  I strive to create a community of learners that nurtures this growth in a positive, fun environment. I look forward to working together with you as partners in your child’s growth and development!!

“Every day, we write the future / Together, we sign it / Together, we declare it / We share it / For this truth marches on / Inside each of us.”-Believer’s Hymn for the Republic

Fiorillo, Joan

Reading Teacher

It has been the privilege of a lifetime to serve the students of Brooklyn for the past forty years. All students have unlimited potential to grow. Given explicit instruction, whether it be decoding multisyllabic words, finding the main idea, or interpreting symbolism, students can learn the fundamentals of reading. Given ample time to work with their peers, students can refine their skills. Given small group instruction that utilizes an Orton-Gillingham multisensory phonics approach, and builds on academic strengths, students can accelerate their learning. Given opportunities to read a wealth of diverse, self-selected, resources in a safe, kind place, students can become resilient, explore new worlds, and chart a course for their future lives. Given a chance to share their learning, students can flourish in the wonderful learning community at JHS 218. 

"Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible." Barack Obama

Ms. Kaur

Educational Associate 

"Education doesn't just make us smarter. 

It makes us whole."

~Jill Biden~

Ms. I. Linder

Science Teacher / Verizon Innovative Learning Coach 

"The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come "

             -Bangtan Boys, Butterfly

Ms. Miles

Lead Teacher Assistant /Success Mentor

“Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

John R. Wooden 

Mrs. Mitchell

ELA Teacher/Social Studies Teacher

I have been an educator for over thirty years and live by the philosophy that "Education is the key to success." Hence, I believe that every child should be afforded the opportunity to experience quality education and this is what JHS 218 provides.  I joined the JHS 218 School Community  approximately ten years ago and believes that it is one of the best kept secrets of the East New York  District in Brooklyn, New York. So, I consider myself blessed to be part of an institution that aims to "cultivate a culture of excellence in which every [student] thrives."

Mrs. Okorafor 

Grade 8 ELA Teacher   

"Sometimes, it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom". Nelson Mandela 

I have been teaching ELA at JHS 218 since 1999, that is 22 years. In that time, I have been the teacher, the student, the mother and the child. It has been my trial, my triumph, my privilege and at times, my pain. Thank you for allowing me to do just a little bit daily to help you be "that great generation".

Mr. Palmeri

Special Education Teacher 6th Grade ICT, Self-Contained, SPOC, Webmaster, Verizon VILS, MOUSE, 21st Century Academic Support 

Mrs. Pearson

I have been a Educational assistant at J.H.S. 218 since 2013 I have a tenderness for assisting scholars in learning and will continue to do so.

"Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to another."

     Gilbert K. Chesterton

Mr. Perez

English as a New Language Instructor / English Language Learners Coordinator

I do my best to give everyone an opportunity to do their best. The goal is to help students adjust to a new culture, city and country while  they prosper in the classroom and beyond.

Ms. Popoteur

Special and Bilingual Education Teacher

 As an educator, I believe that, When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.

Dalai Lama.

Mrs. Reyes

Health Education Teacher for Grades 6-8.

It has been my honor and passion in educating our youth. I have been teaching for over 21 years in all levels from Elementary, Middle and High School.

I have been at JHS 218 for the past 2 years and I have had such amazing experiences with my students and colleagues.

I look forward in continuing to help guide, support, encourage and motivate children to understand that "ALL OF THEIR DREAMS ARE POSSIBLE, AS LONG AS THEY WORK HARD AND BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES!"


Mr. Schneir

Social Studies Teacher

I have been a teacher here at 218 since 1995.  But enough about me.  

Come to class, keep an open mind, and learn a lot.

"Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

-Ferris Bueller

Ms. Toussaint


Webster’s dictionary defines a teacher as "someone who teaches or instructs, especially as an occupation:  one who instructs skillfully".  However, I believe a teacher is someone who inspires and helps the child to tap into their unique talents.  A good teacher realizes that freedom is a part of education and allows the children to feed their curiosity as well as understand who they are. My teaching philosophy is that all children can and will learn in an environment that is conducive to his/her learning style and needs.  It is the teacher’s duty to ensure realistic expectations are set and help the children transform into the exceptional, confident, productive citizens that they are.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires” ~William Ward~ 

Ms. Watkins

Educational Assistant

"I Believe the children are our future"

By Whitney Houston

Mr. Williams

I have been working with children all my life but as for professional experiences, I have been teaching for 5 years now. I feel like education is an important part of escaping poverty.  Most people feel that school does not have any value, so I am driven to change that narrative. 

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth" Muhammad Ali