Covid-19 Updates

  • Staff Reports September 8th, 2020

  • Students begin Online Learning September 16th, 2020

  • In-Person instruction in school building (with reduced capacity) begins September 21st, 2020

All Staff, Students, Parents or visitors to our building must wear a mask and maintain social distancing while in the building.

Parents and Guardians,

Thank you for your support in sharing the updated 2020-2021 grading policy with students, families, and your staff, and for your patience as we worked to develop the best and fairest policy possible.

Additionally, per the Chancellor’s note below from this morning, we want to share more information and guidance on the blended learning opt-in window for families. We aimed to develop an opt-in process that would:

  • Honor our commitment to families that they would have an opportunity to opt into blended/in-person learning in November

  • Acknowledge that some schools may need time and support to develop solutions to accommodate students who want to return to in-person learning

  • Promote the stability and continuity needed to maximize learning

To best meet these objectives, the process outlined below will be the only opt-in window for families this school year, through the last day of the 2020-2021 school year. We believe that this best meets the needs of students, families, teachers, and school leaders as we establish strong routines and structures for learning. As such, the process for blended learning opt-in is as follows:

Monday, November 2 – Sunday, November 15: Blended Learning Opt-In Window for Families

    • Families requesting to change from 100% remote to blended learning should complete and submit the Learning Preference survey during this window.

    • Schools will be able to review individual students’ updated learning preference on a rolling basis during this window.

    • During this time, Superintendents, Executive Superintendents and Central DOE will begin supporting schools to ensure as many students as possible are accommodated for blended learning.

Weeks of November 30 & December 7: Students Begin In-Person Learning

We will be sharing additional information and instructions on this process in this Friday’s Principals Digest, including information on how to track students who are opting in.

We will also be sharing this information widely with families and we ask that you please share the information with families as well. Updates can be found at

Thank you,

The Office of the First Deputy Chancellor