Photo 2 Quality Photos

E-waste Repurpose (circular refraction)

Prince Bennix

Grey Composite

Leading Lines

free Yiyle

Lay some Pipe

This page shows the quality of my photos this year. I chose what I thought were my strongest images. I really liked my E-waste images and ended up creating a concentration on it. This image came out even better than I had hoped when I was taking it. When I was taking the portrait photo, I didn't know how I wanted it to turn out so I took a lot of photos and the editing on this one made is very strong. The composite was a testament to my ability to learn an editing software in a single night. It also combined four very strong individual images. The leading lines photo had very strong lines and great color and focus. Yiyle was edited a lot and it turned out very strong with the green and blue and the movement. The abstract of the pipe thread has super intriguing colors and that was why I liked it so much. These all use lots of techniques including many using my favorites, color and leading lines.