Darkroom: Advanced Photograms


Positive and Negative

I built these photos into a composite using acorn on my computer. I centered the light flare(Lighting) from the lcd screen in the middle of the steel wool photo I then put the portrait of Bennett(Portrait) on the side and put the stairwell(Intent) photo underneath. I then printed the composite on transparency paper. I printed a positive and a negative. I used the positive and negative for the second and the negative for the first photo. I chose to make this composite because I liked the combination of fire and the sunlight and I thought the other two images were very strong.

When making the Amoeba image, I first just wanted a clear print of the positive image. When I made a mistake in the dark room and didn't fully develop the photo, I was forced to make the best of the mistake. I realized that the blob looked like an Amoeba. After doing some research, I labeled organelles and wrote Amoeba at the top. There are some strong lines, both leading and otherwise, the steel wool makes a lot of lines. The image is fairly balanced except for Bennett which skews the balance. Amoeba doesn't have great values and that is what I would rectify if I could, or develop the whole photo. The meaning behind this piece is that just because I messed up and didn't meant that I couldn't come out with an interesting picture. This photo compares to my life because I am in biology and I made the connection as soon as I saw the mistake.