05. Multiple Exposures



On this photo I used the lower image as the background. I first copied the boy on the left in the top photo. I lined his image up and then used the clone stamp tool to remove the small line in the water, I also used it to crop out a rock in the water. I then outlined the girl and paster her in, taking care to line it up. I then cleaned up the edges around her. The composition rules that I used were: High horizon line, and Rule of thirds.



In this image I used the first original as the background and then copied in the second one. I worked a little to try and remove the edit lines however, I couldn't find a way to do so. I then placed the third image on and once again could not find a way to remove the lines. In the image I used Leading Lines and Framing

The point of this assignment was to take two or more photos and combine them into one. The photos had to be taken from the same place and have only one thing different in them. What we were supposed to do was highlight and copy the different section in an image and paste it onto a background image. Because the images were supposed to fit together, the person or thing would look like it was in different spots in the same picture. After highlighting and copying the part of the image, the photographer then must paste it on the background and clean and smooth all of the edges to make it look like it should be there.