

Per usual I left my assignment to the last night and realized that I didn't have a good model for the hands. I wanted to do something that included the models personality and my theme which is math/ in nature. I instead planned out how I wanted my image to look. I wanted to incorporate the models dislike of math. For this image I have chosen to keep the model anonymous because of the controversial nature of the photo. In my rush to leave the house, I forgot to grab my camera so I was forced to improvise. I borrowed an iPhone 7 from a friend so that I could get the best quality photo. Upon getting the photo to my computer I realized that I didn't have Photoshop. That meant that I had to make do with the editing features in Preview. I first adjusted the color levels a little bit. I then turned up the contrast. I turned the saturation all the way down and the sepia all the way up to get as close as possible to black and white.