05. Macro Leaf


The focal point of this piece is a very zoomed in view of a fall leaf. The tools I used to create this piece are oil pastels, graphite and regular drawing paper. The goal of this project was to find an item outside of our school, and then create a piece of zoomed in art on the piece. The item could be anything from an acorn to a piece of trash. I myself chose this leaf, because the colors and the small designs all through it looked really cool to me and I wanted to try and recreate that.

One of the Composition techniques used in this piece is the use of the Rule of Thirds. This rule is shown in the curve of the leaf, as the leaf itself is not centered in the field of view. Originally for this project, I wanted to use some acrylic paints as well as the oil pastels, but once I started with the pastels, I decided that it would work best for me to just use those, as they blend the best together. I was also planning to add more lines of the leaf veins in the leaf, but I was unable, due to time constraints.

There isn't really any story behind this piece/the inspiration past me thinking it looks cool, and wanting to draw it. The only relation between this project and my life is my preference of color, and choice of leaf. In the future, if I were to do this project again, I would probably rethink my choice of using oil pastels, as they didn't blend together quite as well as I would have hoped, making my leaf look a lot more vibrant and colorful than it would be naturally.