01.WhatcamaDRAWit Prompt


The subject of this artwork is 'An angry snowman shouting at the sun'. Every student was given a prompt to draw a picture to, and many of them were really wacky and odd, not normal things you'd find in the real world. My prompt was dealing with this very angry snowman. The materials I used were just a normal graphite pencil, and eraser. This image is not something I would draw normally, and even after I drew the snowman and the sun, there was a lot of empty space. So, I improvised. I just kind of doodled what came to mind in my empty space.

So, a couple composition rules and techniques I used were 'Rule of Thirds' and 'Leading Lines'. 'Rule of Thirds' deals with the subject of the image. The rule talks about how the subject is more noticeable if it is not in the center, but in the end two thirds. In my image, I drew my snowman in the leftmost side of the image. At the beginning of my project, I started with a snowman, tree, sidewalk and a simple sun. There was a lot of empty space, so I took off, and started just doodling around the sun. Then, to fill in the rest of the space, I decided to draw a small garden on the other side, symbolizing that the snow was already melting.

So, this image is actually a lot more personalized than you think. The sun, for example, shows off some of what I like to draw normally, which is just random shapes and connecting things. The clouds are also showing off my drawing and art style, wavy and sketched out. One thing that bothers me about this is the garden. It feels very flat and I think the perspective is all off. If I were to do this again, I would go back and fix the garden.