
Artist's Statement:

For this project I made first a surrealism collage. The collage is a women with a hat but the hat is not a normal head, on the hat is a road. The meaning behind this painting is that we often go/drive in circles. We are doing every day the same. I go everyday to school, I come home, I eat something, I do homework and than I do other stuff. You need courage to break out of the circle and to try something new. Often we are stuck, like the cars in my painting.

I painted this picture with acrylic paint. It was really hard to paint the little details with acrylic paint, like the cars and the bus.

I think my painting has a lot of movement in the hair and also on the road. I think it is also balanced because the bus is in the middle. It is maybe a little bit heavier on the left because of the bun. The hair has also a really wide value range.