Social Issue Prints

Artist's Statement:

This project started with making the gelatin prints. You can see a lot of different texture in those prints. We could also choose between the colors blue and red. I mixed them both together, so I got a darker red. After those prints we did the linoleum prints. The linoleum print is the polar bear. I tried to use negative space. For example, for the eyes or mouth. Also for his body.

After the linoleum print we should extend the prints. I extended my prints with artists sticks. They give really strong collars. I also like how you can mix the colors together. I tried to make the gelatin prints part of the background. Overall I think those prints have really strong colors. The red and blue gives a strong contrast. The background has also a lot of value. Especially the sun and the ocean.

The message is " Global Warming" . Many polar bears are dying because the ice is melting.