Selfie Still Life

Artists Statement :

I drew in this picture a clobus. On the globus is a necklace. I got this necklace from my parents to my birthday. It means really much to me and the hearts are showing how much I love my parents. I also believe in god, so you can see the cross on the necklace. The bracelet, under the globus ( in the back ) , is from my best friend in germany. It also means so much to me, because she has the same bracelet.

I chose the globus, because I really like to travel and I really like to make new experience in different places. You can see also on the globus Maine ( Freeport ) and Germany ( Tübingen ).

On this two countries are the two red crosses.

I drew this picture with water colors and with a black pencil. You can see in this picture warm ( red ) and cold ( blue ) colors. There are also many different lines. They form for example the hearts. There is also lots of value. You can see it in the globus. At the edge of the globus it starts really dark and it is getting lighter in the middle. The background has also lots of value.

I think this picture has also lots of contrast, because of the colors blue and red.

The picture has also balance, because the globus and the cross are in the middle and on each side is one heart.

I can see also movement, because of the curvy lines.