Designs and Space

Artists Statement:

In these pictures I created lots of negative spaces. The first picture is just a hand, the second picture is a dragon, the third is a value stripe and on the last picture you can see leaves.

I draw the first three pictures with a normal pencil and the last with watercolors.

The last picture has lots of colors. The colors are the colors of the real leaves.

In all pictures is lots of space. But the space is in every picture white, because it is negative space. the last picture has lots of texture, because of the thin lines of the leaves.

I think the second and the last picture have lot of Balance!

All pictures has also lot of contrast, because it is alway white and another color.

There is also lots of value. For example in the first picture : it is very dark around the hand and it gets lighter to the outside. For sure the third picture has lot of value too! It starts very light and it's getting darker to the right.