
Raise.me allows high school students to earn scholarships from colleges for their achievements in and out of the classroom. Starting in 9th grade, students can be eligible to start earning scholarships for their achievements like good grades, perfect attendance, leadership roles, participation in sports and clubs, community service, test scores, and more.

On Raise.me, students can:

  • Learn about an follow colleges that might be a good fit
  • Build a portfolio -- add high school courses, grades, sports, extracurriculars, achievements, and more
  • Earn scholarships -- watch their earnings from colleges pile up automatically as they add to their portfolio

Raise.me currently has over 100 partner colleges that offer students up to $60,000 in micro-scholarships for achievements they make while in high school. These scholarships are then calculated into students' financial aid packages by the colleges during their senior year so that student can enter college with a more robust financial aid package. Recently featured on NewsHour, the program is funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and U.S. Colleges. The purpose of the program is to make education more accessible to students and to make them more competitive applicants for college.

For more information on this program, contact your School Counselor or sign up here for a Raise.me account today and start earning money toward your college education!