Military Academies

For four-year college degrees you may consider one of the five military academies:

Students who are interested in pursuing the academies should begin preparations as early as the sophomore year. This is not a decision to be made lightly as entrance to one of the academies requires a five-year military obligation as an officer in the respective service. Some of the benefits include: a first-rate education, full-tuition scholarship, and a distinct college experience. Admission to a service academy is extremely competitive. Students must be in good academic standing with high grades and test scores, and advanced courses. Applicants must also be in good physical condition. All of the service academies except the Coast Guard require nomination primarily by a congressman. Most members of Congress do not accept requests for nomination after October of the senior year. Therefore, we encourage students to contact their congressmen in the spring of their junior year.

Suggested Timeline for Academy Applications

Sophomore Year

  • Contact a representative of the academy to learn about the application requirements.

Junior Year

  • Research the academy website.
  • Contact your congressional representatives and request a nomination to the academy or academies of your choosing.
  • In the spring and summer: work on your Physical Aptitude Exam (PAE), take your medical exams, and visit the academies.
  • In the summer: work on your applications.

Senior Year

  • If you haven't already, contact your congressional representative and request a nomination to that academy or academies of your choosing. Pay close attention to deadlines.
  • If the early fall, submit applications.
  • Complete medical and physical aptitude tests in necessary.
  • In November, interview for your congressional nomination.
  • During the winter, learn if you received your letter of nomination.
  • In winter/ early spring, learn if your application has been accepted.
  • In mid-spring, learn if you have been selected to receive an appointment.