IB Prep: 10th Grade

Incoming 10th Graders:

IB Prep US History Teachers:

Ms. Alison Simister

Mr. Dale Fritch

AP US History Teachers:

Mr. Dale Fritch

Mrs. Julia Schoolenberg

What makes your class unique?

This class applies IB approaches to learning to the state-required US History curriculum. Students develop skills that will be used throughout the IB program. 

How much homework is required in your class? 

Most homework consists of regular reading assignments 

What is your favorite thing about teaching IB? 

I love the conversations we have in class and the diverse perspectives that IB students bring to the classroom. 

Which AP test does your IB Course align with? What percentage of the AP test is covered in your course. Please list topics students would need to self study if they choose to also challenge the AP exam.

Some students challenge the AP US History course after Pre-IB US History. While the Pre-IB course touches on a lot of the writing skills needed for the AP exam, the course does not cover the first half of AP US history content (history prior to 1877).