IB Theater Teacher and Course Information

IB Theater Teacher:

Ms. Lydia Coats

What topics are covered in SL (or year 1 of HL)?

Semester 1: Exploration of multiple historic world theatre styles such as Bunraku, Hun Lakon Lek, French Farce, and Commedia dell'Arte. Exploration of theatre theorists in context with contemporary theatre history. Exploration into devised theatre practices and contemporary theatre companies.

Semester 2: Exploration of collaborative theatre practices. Produces showcase of work in mid-semester. Exploration of script analysis and directing technique.

What topics are covered in HL?

Semester 3: Comparative study of historic world theatre styles and completion of IB Assessment: Research Project. Study of selected theatre theorist in context with contemporary theatre history and completion of IB Assessment: Solo Project.

Semester 4: Script analysis, directing, and theatrical design study and completion of IB Assessment: Director's Notebook. Collaborative theatre study and completion of IB Assesssment: Collaborative Project.

What makes your class unique?

The IB Theatre students meet with the Theatre IV: World Drama students keeping this cohort of theatre students collaborating with familiar theatre faces. Students provide each other with a supportive environment in which to take risks with unfamiliar theatre styles and techniques where judgement free exploration is key to successful completion of IB assessemnts.

How much homework is required in your class?

Most of the assessment writing and research is done on the student's own time. The development of assessment performances (3 of the 4 assessments) are done in class with feedback and support from peers and instructor.

What is your favorite thing about teaching IB?

Theatre education in the US is heavily focused on realistic acting technique and contemporary 20th Century drama. IB Theatre takes students on a journey through much more varied and unique theatre cultures bringing balance to students' knowledge and experience.

Which AP test does your IB Course align with? What percentage of the AP test is covered in your course. Please list topics students would need to self study if they choose to also challenge the AP exam.

There are currently no AP Theatre exams.