IB TOK Teacher and Course Information

IB TOK Teachers:

Mr. Matt McBrearty

Mr. Drake Clapp

What topics are covered in TOK? 

TOK is a two semester course exploring the nature of knowledge and knowing. Students explore Knowledge and the Knower, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Human Sciences, History, and Art. 

What makes your class unique?

TOK is one of the cornerstones of the IB experience. TOK provides students with an opportunity to explore and reflect on the nature of knowledge and the process of knowing. The course is intended to be challenging and thought-provoking as well as empowering for students. 

How much homework is required in your class? 

Day to day, homework is very limited - frequent short readings and occasional projects. The class has an internal and external assessment both of which will require some outside of class work. 

What is your favorite thing about teaching IB? 

The students. IB students create an atmosphere in which learning truly matters. This manifests in exciting and rewarding classroom environments far more engaging and enriching than the typical high school experience.