IB Biology Teacher and Course  Information

IB Biology Teachers:

Mr. Eric Scheiber

Dr. Mei Lim

What topics are covered in SL (or year 1 of HL)? 

Core: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity, Human Physiology

Option: Neurobiology & Behavior, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, Ecology & Conservation, Human Physiology"  

What topics are covered in HL (year 2)?

Additional Higher Level Core: Nucleic Acids, Metabolism, Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis, Plant Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Animal Physiology.

Option: Neurobiology & Behavior, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, Ecology & Conservation, Human Physiology"  

What makes your class unique?

I will teach the course using the approaches to teaching dictated by the IB. This means that the course will be: based on inquiry, focused on conceptual understanding, developed in local and global contexts, focused on effective teamwork and collaboration, differentiated to meet the needs of all learners, and informed by formative and summative assessment.  

How much homework is required in your class? 

~ 3 hrs of studying/homework per week.

What is your favorite thing about teaching IB? 

I truly enjoy teaching all the different types of students that IB attracts. 

Which AP test does your IB Course align with? What percentage of the AP test is covered in your course. Please list topics students would need to self study if they choose to also challenge the AP exam.

AP Biology. I recommend taking the AP Biology exam once a student completes the AHL course sequence (2 years). There is different content assessed between the two exams. Though there is content that overlaps, AP Biology focuses more on cellular/molecular side of biology compared to IB Biology. IB Biology covers a much broader range of topics to prepare students for a variety of science career pathways. If a student is wanting to sit for the AP Biology exam after the SL year or first HL year, I recommend purchasing a resource book that outlines the AP Biology exam so your student can self-study the topics that are not covered in the IB course.